S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MHD 01 : WG01 To formulate standards for Laparoscopic devices 19-08-2024 19-08-2026 4
2. MHD 01 : WG02 To formulate standards for Robotic surgical devices 19-08-2024 19-08-2026 3
3. MHD 01 : WG03 To revise all the Pre-2000 open surgery instruments 01-10-2024 31-03-2025 0
4. MHD 02 : P2 : WG1 Standardization in the field of Orthopedic Reconstruction and Repair Sets 09-08-2024 08-08-2025 5
5. MHD 02 : P3 : WG1 Standardization in the field of Orthopedic Surgical Power Tools 09-08-2024 08-08-2025 4
6. MHD 02 : P3 : WG2 Standardization in the field of Arthroscopy Work Station & Systems 10-12-2024 31-01-2027 3
7. MHD 03 : WG01 Formulation of Indian Standard on specifications for Menstrual Cups 15-12-2023 - 6
8. MHD 03 : P2 : WG1 Formulation of Indian Standard on LNG IUD 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 0
9. MHD 03 : P2 : WG2 Formulation of Indian Standard on Copper-T (380A) 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 0
10. MHD 03 : P1 : WG1 To review the revision of pre 2000 IS for gynaecology surgery instruments 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 0
11. MHD 03 : P1 : WG2 To formulate Indian Standards on Equipment used in Gynaecology Surgery 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 0
12. MHD 03 : WG03 Formulation of Indian Standard on Vaginal Ring 22-08-2024 22-08-2024 0
13. MHD 05 : WG01 The Amendment Working Group for Indian Standards focuses on reviewing, updating, and amending existing standards to ensure their relevance, accuracy, and alignment with current industry practices. It aims to maintain standards that meet national and international benchmarks for quality and safety. 02-09-2024 31-12-2024 3
14. MHD 05 : WG02 To formulate the Amendment against relent Indian Standards of Ophthalmic 02-09-2024 31-03-2025 3
15. MHD 06 : P3 : WG1 To formulate standard on ECG electrodes. 23-07-2024 31-07-2026 0
16. MHD 06 : P2 : WG1 To formulate standard on Cardiac Sucker 23-07-2024 31-07-2026 0
17. MHD 06 : P2 : WG2 To formulate standard on Haemoconcentrator 23-07-2024 31-07-2026 0
18. MHD 07 : WG01 To formulate Indian Standards for the Neuronavigation System 19-08-2024 19-11-2024 5
19. MHD 10 : P1 : WG1 To formulate standard on LBC (liquid-based cytology) Kit 23-07-2024 31-07-2026 0
20. MHD 10 : P1 : WG2 To formulate standard on Lab plasticware - filter tips for standard pipettes 23-07-2024 31-07-2026 0
21. MHD 10 : P1 : WG3 To formulate standard on Gradient thermocycler 23-07-2024 31-07-2026 2
22. MHD 10 : P1 : WG4 To formulate standard on Platelet Incubator with Agitator 23-07-2024 31-07-2026 0
23. MHD 10 : P2 : WG1 To formulate standard on laboratory centrifuge 09-07-2024 31-10-2029 0
24. MHD 10 : P2 : WG2 To formulate standard on Platelet Incubator with Agitator 09-07-2024 31-10-2029 0
25. MHD 10 : P2 : WG3 To formulate standard on Gradient thermocycler 09-07-2024 31-12-2029 0
26. MHD 10 : P2 : WG4 To formulate standard on Anaerobic workstation 12-07-2024 31-10-2029 0
27. MHD 10 : P2 : WG5 To formulate standard a standard on Vortex mixer 09-07-2024 31-10-2029 0
28. MHD 10 : P2 : WG6 To formulate standard on Double Beam UV Spectrophotometer 12-07-2024 31-10-2029 0
29. MHD 10 : P2 : WG7 To formulate standard on HPLC System specifications 12-07-2024 31-10-2024 0
30. MHD 11 : P4 : WG1 Standardization in the field of "Medical Gas Pipeline System - Design, Installation, Validation and Verification" and "Medical Grade Copper Tubes" 21-10-2024 21-10-2024 2
31. MHD 11 : P4 : WG2 Standardization in the field of "Oxygen Purity Meter" 21-10-2024 21-10-2024 1
32. MHD 11 : P3 : WG1 Standardization in the field of "NIV Mask with Tube Inclusion Port" 21-10-2024 21-10-2024 1
33. MHD 11 : P4 : WG3 Standardization in the field of "Bed Head Panels and OT Pendants" 28-10-2024 28-10-2024 2
34. MHD 11 : P3 : WG2 Standardization in the area of Stethoscopes. 25-02-2025 25-02-2025 0
35. MHD 13 : WG01 Standardization in the field of Veterinary Hospitals 26-06-2024 25-06-2025 0
36. MHD 13 : WG02 Revision of IS on Veterinary Castrator 26-06-2024 25-06-2025 0
37. MHD 13 : P1 : WG1 Preparation of working draft on Requirements for Veterinary Hospitals and Veterinary Super-specialty Hospitals (Small and Large Animals) 10-01-2025 09-01-2028 4
38. MHD 13 : P1 : WG2 Preparation of working draft on Requirements for Veterinary Clinics (Small Animals), Veterinary Dispensaries, and Veterinary Polyclinics. 10-01-2025 09-01-2028 4
39. MHD 14 : P3 : WG1 Standardization in the field of Ambulances 08-08-2024 07-08-2025 3
40. MHD 14 : P4 : WG1 Standardization in the field of Sustainability in Healthcare 08-08-2024 07-08-2025 6
41. MHD 17 : WG02 Standardization in the field of Telehealth and Virtual Care 19-01-2024 21-08-2028 0
42. MHD 17 : WG03 Standardization in the field of Disability Informatics 19-01-2024 21-08-2026 6
43. MHD 17 : WG04 Standardization in the field of Medical Icons 19-01-2024 21-08-2026 7
44. MHD 17 : WG05 Standardization in the field of Cybersecurity of Network-connected Medical Devices 19-01-2024 21-08-2026 0
45. MHD 17 : WG06 Standardization in the field of AYUSH Informatics 19-01-2024 21-08-2026 5
46. MHD 19 : WG01 To formulate standard for HIV Diagnostic Test Kit 20-08-2024 20-08-2026 0
47. MHD 19 : WG02 To formulate standard for Urine analyzer 20-08-2024 20-08-2026 0
48. MHD 19 : WG03 To formulate standard for TB Diagnostic Test Kit 20-08-2024 20-08-2026 1
49. MHD 19 : WG04 To formulate standards for analyzers in biochemistry 24-10-2024 31-12-2025 0
50. MHD 19 : WG05 To formulate standards for analyzers used in pathology lab 24-10-2024 31-12-2025 0
51. MHD 19 : WG06 To formulate standards for the kits and analyzers used in microbiology lab 24-10-2024 31-12-2025 0
52. MHD 19 : WG07 To formulate standards for analyzers used in immunology section 24-10-2024 31-12-2025 0
53. MHD 19 : WG08 To formulate standards for Molecular Biology devices 24-10-2024 31-12-2025 0
54. MHD 19 : WG9 To formulate standard for hematology devices 24-10-2024 31-12-2025 0
55. MHD 20 : WG01 3D Bioprinting 06-06-2024 01-03-2025 4
56. MHD 20 : WG02 To formulate a standard for the terminology, sourcing, classification, isolation, and characterization of extracellular vesicles (EVs). 29-05-2024 01-03-2025 6
57. MHD 21 : WG01 To formulate standard for Non-chlorinated Plastic bags for storing and transporting Biomedical Waste 20-08-2024 20-08-2026 4
58. MHD 23 : P1 : WG2 Standardization in the field of "Autopsy Saw and Autopsy Table" 07-10-2024 07-10-2024 2
59. MHD 23 : P1 : WG3 Standardization in the field of "Dissection Hall Layout Specifications" 07-10-2024 07-10-2024 2
60. MHD 23 : P1 : WG1 Standardization in the field of "Body Storage Tank and Cold Storage Chambers" 07-10-2024 07-10-2024 2