S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. CHD 07 : WG01 To review, revise and formulation of the new standards for related to code of safety for industry 14-09-2024 01-12-2025 0
2. CHD 07 : P6 : WG1 Sure! Here’s a revised version of your request: To Review , Revision and formulation of the New Standard for Safety Codes Regarding Chlorine Leak Kits for Ton Containers 27-09-2024 01-12-2025 0
3. CHD 08 : WG01 - - 8
4. CHD 08 : WG02 To prepare the drafts for the following subjects i) For preparing the preliminary draft of Respiratory Protective Devices- Powered Filtering Devices incorporating helmet or hood- Requirements ii) For preparing the preliminary draft of Respiratory protective devices for self-rescue 14-11-2024 14-11-2023 8
5. CHD 08 : WG03 formulation of standard on Safety harness for child below 4 years of age 14-11-2024 14-11-2023 10
6. CHD 10 : WG03 To formulate an Indian Standard on Chemically Tempered Screen Protector Glass 29-08-2024 29-09-2025 11
7. CHD 13 : WG05 Resolution of comments received on IS 12084 and prepare the draft amendment 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 5
8. CHD 15 : WG01 Review the NWIPs for development of Indian Standards 08-01-2025 08-07-2025 7
9. CHD 15 : WG02 for revision of -IS 1848 (Part 1 & 2) 08-01-2025 08-07-2025 7
10. CHD 16 : WG01 - - 3
11. CHD 19 : WG01 This working group will focus on developing new Indian standards for Firefighter boots and revising existing standards of IS 5557,IS 3735 and IS 3736 . 23-10-2024 31-12-2025 10
12. CHD 19 : WG02 This Working Group will focus on developing new Indian standardsstandard on school shoes for Boys and Girls Specification 23-10-2024 31-12-2025 10
13. CHD 19 : WG03 This working group will focus on developing new Indian standards on All Rubber Gum Boots and Ankle Boots for Children as IS 5557 ( Part 3). 23-10-2024 31-12-2025 8
14. CHD 19 : WG04 To formulate standard on Shoes for the troops of valley QAT (Quick Action Team) personnel and Non-Skid Tactical /Combat/Advance high Ankle Boot 24-10-2024 31-12-2025 7
15. CHD 20 : WG02 - - 5
16. CHD 20 : WG03 • To formulate new Indian standards on guideline/code of practice for printing of Shade cards • To include additional varieties of Gloss and also matt shade cards in IS 5 01-09-2024 15-04-2025 5
17. CHD 20 : WG04 To formulate new and review the existing Indian standards on road marking Paint and its associated test method standards. 01-01-2023 15-04-2025 6
18. CHD 25 : WG01 - - 5
19. CHD 25 : WG02 - - 6
20. CHD 25 : WG03 - - 6
21. CHD 25 : WG04 To review and recommend revisions to IS 12795:2020. 06-01-2025 06-01-2025 6
22. CHD 25 : WG05 Assess whether the term “Toilet Soaps” can be replaced with more appropriate terminology to reduce consumer confusion. 06-01-2025 13-12-2024 7
23. CHD 25 : WG06 To examine and propose Indian standard(s) for Liquid Detergent for Washing Machines (Top Load and Front Load)' 06-01-2025 06-01-2025 6
24. CHD 25 : WG07 To review and recommend revisions to IS 12795:2020. 13-12-2025 06-06-2025 5
25. CHD 25 : WG08 Assess whether the term “Toilet Soaps” can be replaced with more appropriate terminology to reduce consumer confusion. 13-12-2024 04-06-2025 7
26. CHD 25 : WG9 To examine and propose Indian standard(s) for Liquid Detergent for Washing Machines (Top Load and Front Load)' 13-12-2024 13-06-2025 6
27. CHD 25 : WG10 Horizontal Standards for Soaps 13-12-2024 12-06-2025 7
28. CHD 30 : WG01 - - 2
29. CHD 30 : WG02 - - 3
30. CHD 30 : WG03 - - 4
31. CHD 30 : WG04 - - 4
32. CHD 30 : WG05 - - 2
33. CHD 35 : WG01 This working group will focus on developing revising existing standards for determination of air pollutants in ambient, stationary, indoor, and workplace air. 02-12-2024 31-12-2025 14
34. CHD 35 : WG02 This working group will focus on developing new Indian standards on Low Cost Sensors. 02-12-2024 31-12-2025 9
35. CHD 36 : WG02 The Terms of Reference for CHD 36/WG 2, 'Review of IS 1622, Methods of Sampling and Microbiological Examination of Water', are as follows: 1. Review and prepare a revised draft for IS 1622. 2. Deliberate and resolve comments received on IS 1622 when circulated as both the preliminary and wide circulation drafts. 08-11-2024 10-02-2025 7