S No Group Number Task Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MSD C : WG01 - - 15
2. MSD 02 : WG02 To Formulate Indian Standards on Management System Guideline Requirements for Social Welfare Schemes and Conformity Assessment Requirements for bodies providing validation and verification of social welfare schemes 26-09-2024 30-10-2025 8
3. MSD 03 : WG01 formulation of standard on Data Ethics 12-07-2024 30-01-2025 4
4. MSD 03 : WG02 Formulation of standard on Quality of Measurement 12-07-2024 30-01-2025 3
5. MSD 04 : WG01 Revision of Terotechnology Standard IS 15363 22-10-2024 22-02-2025 3
6. MSD 04 : WG03 Revision of IS 14580 22-10-2024 29-03-2025 2
7. MSD 05 : WG01 Guidelines to provide the information services to Researchers 25-10-2024 31-10-2025 14
8. MSD 05 : WG02 Review of ISO Standards 25-10-2024 31-10-2025 2
9. MSD 05 : WG03 Working Group on Revision of "Devanagri script and Hindi spelling" 28-10-2024 31-10-2025 6
10. MSD 06 : WG01 Post Project 22-10-2024 20-01-2025 2
11. MSD 10 : WG06 - - 5
12. MSD 10 : WG06 - - 7
13. MSD 10 : WG01 - - 5
14. MSD 10 : WG02 - - 5
15. MSD 10 : WG03 - - 3
16. MSD 10 : WG04 - - 4
17. MSD 10 : WG05 - - 6
18. MSD 10 : WG07 - - 4
19. MSD 10 : WG08 Formulation of standards pertaining to “Electronic Expansion Valve (EXV)” 01-01-2024 01-01-2029 5
20. MSD 10 : WG9 - - 4
21. MSD 10 : WG10 To review standards related to Construction Plant and Machinery. To review standards related to ISO/TC 195/SC 1 "Machinery and equipment for concrete work" and provide recommendations for adoption of their standards. 19-04-2021 23-06-2035 7
22. MSD 10 : WG11 To review standards related to Road operation machinery and associated equipment. To review standards related to ISO/TC 195/SC 2 "Road operation machinery and associated equipment" and provide recommendations for adoption of their standards. 19-04-2021 27-10-2034 7
23. MSD 12 : WG02 Review Life cycle costing standards 25-10-2024 31-10-2025 16
24. MSD 14 : WG01 - - 0
25. MSD 15 : WG01 Misleading Advertisement 25-10-2024 31-10-2025 5
26. MSD 17 : WG01 To Review Standards IS/ISO/TR 31004:2013, IS/ISO 28004-3 :2014, IS/ISO 28001:2007, IS/ISO28002:2011, IS/ISO 31022:2020, IS/ISO 22313: 2020, IS/IWA 31:2020, IS/ISO/TR 22370, IS/ISO 22328-1 08-04-2024 26-02-2025 0
27. MSD 19 : WG01 Formulation of Standard on sustainable Human Resource Management 22-10-2024 20-01-2025 3