S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. WRD 01 : P1 Flow measurement 03-03-2025 03-08-2030 0
2. WRD 01 : P2 Sediment Transport 03-03-2025 17-07-2030 0
3. WRD 01 : P3 Hydrometric and Meteorological Instruments 03-03-2025 12-06-2030 0
4. WRD 01 : P4 Flow Measurement Structure 04-03-2025 06-06-2029 0
5. WRD 01 : P5 Velocity Area Method and Current Meters 04-03-2025 19-06-2030 0
6. WRD 01 : P6 Special Flow Measurement Conditions 04-03-2025 04-06-2030 0
7. WRD 01 : P7 Flow Measurement using Pressure Differential Devices 04-03-2025 16-07-2030 0
8. WRD 03 : P1 Exploration and measurement 03-03-2025 24-06-2030 0
9. WRD 03 : P3 Harvesting and recharge 03-03-2025 06-06-2030 0
10. WRD 05 : P2 Geological Investigation and Exploration 03-03-2025 02-05-2030 0
11. WRD 05 : P1 Symbols Topographical Survey & Reporting 05-03-2025 12-06-2030 0
12. WRD 06 : P2 Standardization of guidelines and methodologies for the preparation, assessment, and management of project reports related to water resources development. 03-03-2025 17-07-2030 1
13. WRD 06 : P3 standardization of methods for planning, evaluating, managing, and ensuring the safety of water resources projects, covering feasibility, performance assessment, progress monitoring, and risk mitigation. 03-03-2025 07-07-2030 0
14. WRD 08 : P1 Standardization of criteria for the design of foundations on rocks, impermeable and permeable strata for water resource projects. 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 0
15. WRD 08 : P2 Standardization of criteria for construction of foundations on rocks, impermeable and permeable strata for water resource projects, including methods of foundation treatment. 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 0
16. WRD 09 : P1 Construction and Maintenance of Structures 03-03-2025 14-05-2030 0
17. WRD 09 : P2 design of Structures 03-03-2025 14-08-2030 0
18. WRD 10 : P1 Standardization of methods for the operation and maintenance of reservoirs and lakes, focusing on sediment management, hydraulic structures, water quality, and operational strategies for flood control, water supply, and hydropower. 03-03-2025 04-06-2030 0
19. WRD 10 : P2 standardization of methods, procedures, and guidelines for the assessment, planning, and design of storage capacity. 03-03-2025 11-06-2030 0
20. WRD 12 : P1 Automation of Radial Gates 03-04-2024 03-04-2024 6
21. WRD 12 : P2 Standardization of criteria for selection and design of gates. 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 0
22. WRD 12 : P3 Standardization of criteria for construction, maintenance, operation and testing of gates. 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 0
23. WRD 12 : P4 Standardization of criteria for selection, design, construction, maintenance, operation and testing of valves. 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 0
24. WRD 13 : P1 standardization of methods, guidelines, and best practices for the planning, design, and construction of canals and cross-drainage structures. 03-03-2025 18-07-2030 0
25. WRD 13 : P2 standardization of materials, methods, and techniques for the construction, lining, and maintenance of canals and cross drainage structures to ensure durability, hydraulic efficiency, and structural stability. 03-03-2025 23-07-2030 0
26. WRD 13 : P3 standardization of methods, procedures, and best practices for the inspection, maintenance, and rehabilitation of canals and cross drainage structures. 03-03-2025 24-07-2030 0
27. WRD 14 : P1 To discuss the standards taken up for the revision and review the the allotted standards for revision 30-05-2024 13-03-2025 8
28. WRD 14 : P2 standardization of methodologies, design principles, and best practices for the planning, construction 03-03-2025 24-07-2030 0
29. WRD 14 : P3 standardization of methods, materials, and best practices for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of water conductor systems, such as penstocks, tunnels, canals, and pipelines, ensuring efficient and reliable water conveyance for hydroelectric power generation 03-03-2025 19-06-2030 0
30. WRD 15 : P2 - - 6
31. WRD 15 : P3 - - 6
32. WRD 15 : P4 - - 4
33. WRD 16 : P1 Instrumentation 03-03-2025 25-07-2030 0
34. WRD 21 : P1 Safety 03-03-2025 18-06-2030 0
35. WRD 22 : P2 - - 7
36. WRD 22 : P3 Design of River Training and Diversion Works 03-03-2025 13-05-2030 0
37. WRD 22 : P4 Construction and Maintenance of River Training and Diversion Works 03-03-2025 07-08-2030 0
38. WRD 23 : P1 Measurement and Cost Analysis 03-03-2025 24-07-2030 0
39. WRD 24 : P1 Preparation of Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for Water Resources Projects 21-03-2018 31-03-2025 6
40. WRD 28 : P1 standardization of methods, materials, and technologies for preventing and mitigating coastal erosion. 03-03-2025 20-06-2030 0
41. WRD 28 : P2 the study, monitoring, and management of saltwater intrusion into coastal freshwater systems. It covers the development of methods, strategies, and technologies to assess, mitigate, and prevent saltwater intrusion impacts on groundwater and surface water resources. 03-03-2025 23-07-2030 0
42. WRD 28 : P3 the assessment, mitigation, and management of risks associated with coastal hazards such as storm surges, sea level rise, coastal flooding, and erosion. 03-03-2025 18-06-2030 0
43. WRD 29 : P1 Standardization of vocabulary, site selection, layout, site investigation, report preparation, economic & financial Planning, environmental impact and model contract documents for small hydropower projects. 27-02-2024 - 8
44. WRD 29 : P2 Standardization of hydraulic & structural design, technical specifications, construction, maintenance for civil & hydro-mechanical works of small hydropower projects. 27-02-2024 - 10
45. WRD 29 : P3 Standardization of electro-mechanical works including generating units, auxiliaries, automation, power evacuation, operation & maintenance and renovation of small hydropower projects. 27-02-2024 - 8
46. WRD 30 : P1 Standardization of methods and processes for field investigations of dams aimed at maintenance and rehabilitation. 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 0
47. WRD 30 : P2 Standardization of materials used for the rehabilitation of dams including the selection criteria for materials and their physical and chemical properties. 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 0
48. WRD 30 : P3 Standardization of rehabilitation practices for concrete and masonry dams. 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 0
49. WRD 30 : P4 Standardization of rehabilitation practices for embankment dams. 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 0
50. WRD 30 : P5 Standardization of rehabilitation practices for appurtenant works of dams like spillways, Gates, Valves, etc. 17-01-2025 17-01-2025 0
51. WRD 31 : P1 Urban Flooding 04-03-2025 24-07-2030 0
52. WRD 32 : P3 standardization of methods, techniques, and tools for identifying, mapping, and monitoring glaciers and glacial lakes. 03-03-2025 13-06-2030 0
53. WRD 32 : P4 standardization of risk assessment, early warning systems, structural and non-structural mitigation measures, and engineering interventions to manage and reduce the impact of GLOFs and LLOFs in flood management. 03-03-2025 05-06-2030 0