S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. TXD 03 : P1 To formulate Indian Standards for the Neuronavigation System 19-08-2024 19-11-2024 7
2. TXD 08 : P2 - - 5
3. TXD 20 : P1 Standarisation on Preparation of drawings for Optical elements and systems 16-10-2024 16-10-2024 6
4. TXD 23 : P1 Standardization in the field of Veterinary Hospitals 26-06-2024 25-06-2025 15
5. TXD 23 : P2 Working Group for revision of IS 17334: 2019 Medical textiles – Surgical gowns and surgical drapes 13-09-2024 13-03-2025 12
6. TXD 23 : P7 Microbiological criteria - Principles for establishment and application 15-07-2024 16-07-2029 13
7. TXD 31 : P5 Second revision of IS 2507 12-11-2024 12-11-2024 0
8. TXD 31 : P6 To identify, prepare, review, discuss on working drafts on new subjects or emerging areas in the field of wool and wool products. 13-11-2024 13-05-2025 0
9. TXD 33 : P1 - - 0
10. TXD 35 : P1 - - 6
11. TXD 36 : P9 Panel to discuss the comments received on IS 5405 and provide its recommendations for amendment 02-08-2024 02-09-2024 6
12. TXD 36 : P10 Panel for review of ISO Ballot to build India's point of view, comments on new proposal, NWIP, participating in meeting of working group & Plenary meeting of ISO TC/338 23-09-2024 23-09-2025 5
13. TXD 37 : P2 - - 4
14. TXD 37 : P1 - - 4
15. TXD 40 : P1 Standards on Hexagon Head Bolts, Nuts and Screws 16-10-2024 12-10-2023 4