S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MED 04 : P4 MED 04 : P04 - "TERMINOLOGIES FOR RENEWABLE ENERGIES" 01-08-2024 01-01-2024 6
2. MED 06 : P1 Review of Indian Standards on Conveyors, Bucket Elevators and Feeders 28-04-2021 31-12-2023 8
3. MED 06 : P3 Reveiw and formulation of Indian Standards on Ropeways and Ziplines 23-07-2021 31-03-2026 5
4. MED 07 : P6 The panel will review all pre-2000 standards related to material handling equipment, including both general and bulk material handling equipment. They will either prepare a revision draft or decide to archive the standard with proper justification. Additionally, the panel will provide comments on the existing WC drafts. Their recommendations will then be discussed by the technical committee for further action. 26-09-2023 01-03-2025 10
5. MED 07 : P8 The panel will review standards related to material handling equipment, including both general and bulk types. They will prepare revision drafts for standards due for a 5-year review and propose new work items for the MED 07 committee. Their recommendations will then be discussed by the technical committee for further action. 25-06-2024 31-03-2025 6
6. MED 07 : P9 The panel will review all pre-2000 standards related to test methods for safety and machine performance, ergonomics, general requirements, terminology, design, commercial nomenclature, classification, and ratings of earth-moving machinery. They will prepare revision drafts or decide to archive the standards with proper justification. Additionally, the panel will provide comments on the existing WC drafts. Their recommendations will then be discussed by the technical committee for further action. 26-09-2023 01-03-2025 15
7. MED 07 : P10 The panel will review standards related to safety and machine performance, Safety, ergonomics and general requirements, Terminology, Design, commercial nomenclature, classification and ratings etc. of Earth Moving Machineries. The panel will prepare revision drafts for standards due for a 5-year review and propose new work items for the MED 07 committee. Their recommendations will then be discussed by the technical committee for further action. 25-06-2024 31-03-2025 16
8. MED 14 : P8 The panel will review all pre-2000 standards and 5-year review standards related to terminology, classification, use, operation, and maintenance of various types of cranes and equipment. For the pre-2000 standards, the panel will either prepare a revision draft or decide to archive the standards with proper justification. Additionally, the panel will provide comments on existing WC drafts and prepare revision drafts for the 5-year review standards. They will also suggest new work items for the MED 07 committee. The panel’s recommendations will be discussed by the technical committee for further action. 18-05-2022 31-03-2025 8
9. MED 14 : P9 The panel will review all pre-2000 standards and 5-year review standards related to the test Method and Safety Aspect of Cranes and related Equipment. For the pre-2000 standards, the panel will either prepare a revision draft or decide to archive the standards with proper justification. Additionally, the panel will provide comments on existing WC drafts and prepare revision drafts for the 5-year review standards. They will also suggest new work items for the MED 14 committee. The panel’s recommendations will be discussed by the technical committee for further action. 06-02-2023 31-03-2026 7
10. MED 14 : P10 The Panel will look after the Ballots received from ISO and also repair India's viewpoint for future meetings of ISO/TC 96 and its subcommittees. 22-11-2023 31-03-2026 11
11. MED 14 : P11 The panel will review and submit the comments on the ballots received from ISO and prepare India's viewpoints for future meetings of ISO/TC 111, ISO/TC 111/SC 1, and ISO/TC 111/SC 3. 22-11-2023 31-03-2026 2
12. MED 14 : P12 This panel will address NWIPs, standards revision, and review of subjects for further development related to winches, lifting chains, sheaves, suspension gears, hooks, swivels, hoists, shackles, and other lifting appliances. 24-10-2024 24-10-2024 12
13. MED 16 : P21 To formulate standards for Gas Cylinder Valves and Fitting for both high pressure and low pressure gas cylinders. 20-01-1976 20-12-2034 16
14. MED 16 : P22 To formulate standards for Low Pressure Gas Cylinders 21-01-1976 20-12-2034 18
15. MED 16 : P23 To formulate standards on Dissolved Acetylene Cylinders, Generators, Acetylene Pipe Lines and High Pressure Gas Cylinders 22-01-1976 13-12-2034 26
16. MED 18 : P5 To formulate standard for Nailing Machines for soil nail walls and review the standard periodically once it is published. 21-06-2024 20-11-2031 3
17. MED 20 : P5 Agriculture pumps 19-08-2024 31-12-2027 23
18. MED 20 : P6 Panel for Industrial Pump 20-08-2024 31-12-2027 21
19. MED 20 : P7 Panel for solar photovoltaic pumps 20-08-2024 31-12-2027 22
20. MED 21 : P1 The panel will review all pre-2000 standards and 5-year review standards for Surface exploratory drilling rigs and equipment. 29-06-2022 31-03-2025 5
21. MED 21 : P2 Review of standards for water well drilling rigs including their accessories. 27-03-2023 31-03-2025 10
22. MED 22 : P3 Panel to review and revise the Indian standard pertaining to compressors and suggest emerging topics/subjects for standardisation 19-07-2023 31-12-2027 5
23. MED 22 : P4 Panel to review and revise the Indian standard pertaining to steam turbines and suggest emerging topics/subjects for standardisation 19-07-2023 31-12-2027 4
24. MED 22 : P5 Panel to review and revise the Indian standard pertaining to gas turbines and suggest emerging topics/subjects for standardization 19-07-2023 31-12-2024 6
25. MED 22 : P6 Reviewing the standards pertaining to the Hydraulic Turbines and provide the recommendation. 21-08-2024 31-12-2027 10
26. MED 24 : P10 Working panel on Ballistic Security Productes 15-10-2024 15-10-2024 13
27. MED 29 : P1 Review of group of Pre 2000 Standards 26-12-2023 28-02-2025 8
28. MED 29 : P3 Working Panel to review a group of Pre 2000 Standards 26-09-2023 28-02-2025 4
29. MED 33 : P1 Panel to discuss and dispose of the comments on IS 14756 and Triple Ply standards 01-09-2020 03-11-2025 19
30. MED 33 : P8 - - 11
31. MED 33 : P11 Panel to revise standards on stainless steel flasks 18-04-2022 25-11-2027 12
32. MED 33 : P13 Panel to revise standards on Lock cylinders (cartridges) 28-12-2022 03-07-2028 3
33. MED 33 : P15 Panel for 'Thermos Tea Stainless Steel 15 Litres 31-07-2023 25-03-2027 3
34. MED 33 : P17 Panel to develop and revise standards on Cutlery Items 22-02-2024 03-02-2028 8