S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MHD 01 : P1 To formulate standards for dermatology devices 19-08-2024 19-08-2026 0
2. MHD 01 : P2 To formulate standards for Gastroenterology devices 19-08-2024 19-08-2026 1
3. MHD 01 : P3 To formulate standards for General and Minimally Invasive Surgery instruments and devices 19-08-2024 19-08-2026 3
4. MHD 01 : P4 To formulate standards for Plastic surgery instruments 19-08-2024 19-08-2026 1
5. MHD 01 : P5 To formulate standards for Urology devices 19-08-2024 19-08-2026 0
6. MHD 02 : P1 Standardization in the field of orthopaedic implants (including Materials for implants, Antimicrobial Properties of Implants, Bone & Joint Replacements, Osteosynthesis and Spinal Devices etc.) 09-08-2024 31-08-2034 0
7. MHD 02 : P2 Standardization in the field of Instruments used in Orthopaedic Surgery 09-08-2024 08-08-2034 1
8. MHD 02 : P3 Standardization in the field of Orthopedic Power tools like bone cutting saws and bone drills, etc. 09-08-2024 08-08-2034 0
9. MHD 03 : P1 To formulate Indian standards for Instruments, Appliances and Equipment for Gynaecology Surgery 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 0
10. MHD 03 : P2 To formulate standards on non-systemic contraceptives and STI Barrier Prophylactics 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 0
11. MHD 04 : P4 To gave inputs for standards development related to Rhinology Department 16-07-2024 - 5
12. MHD 04 : P5 To gave inputs for standards development related to Head & Neck surgery Department 16-07-2024 - 6
13. MHD 04 : P6 To give inputs for standards development related to Laryngology (Thorat) Department 16-07-2024 - 3
14. MHD 04 : P7 Standardization in the field of Otology 06-12-2023 06-12-2030 9
15. MHD 04 : P8 To formulate code of practice standard addressing sustainability aspects for Steel Surgical Instruments 25-09-2024 25-09-2025 9
16. MHD 05 : P1 Standardization in the field of Spectacle frames and spectacle lenses. 20-08-2024 20-08-2024 4
17. MHD 05 : P2 Standardization in the field of Ophthalmic Implants and Contact lenses 20-08-2024 20-08-2024 2
18. MHD 05 : P3 Standardization in the field of Ophthalmic Devices (Diagnostic and surgical electromedical devices) 20-08-2024 31-12-2026 1
19. MHD 05 : P4 Standardization in the field of Ophthalmic surgical instruments 20-08-2024 31-12-2026 1
20. MHD 06 : P1 Standardization in the field of Cardiovascular implants and extracorporeal systems 20-06-2024 31-10-2029 2
21. MHD 06 : P2 Standardization in the field of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery (CTVS) equipment 20-08-2024 31-10-2029 0
22. MHD 06 : P3 Standardization in the field of Electrical and Electronic Equipment for cardiology 01-10-2024 31-10-2029 0
23. MHD 07 : P1 Standardization in the field of Neurosurgical instruments 18-10-2024 23-10-2028 2
24. MHD 07 : P2 Standardization in the field of Neurosurgical implants 18-10-2024 23-10-2028 2
25. MHD 07 : P3 Standardization in the field of Neurosurgical Accessories 18-10-2024 23-10-2028 2
26. MHD 07 : P4 Standardization in the field of Neurosurgical Monitoring devices 18-10-2024 23-10-2028 3
27. MHD 08 : P1 Standardization in the field of Restorative and Endodontic materials 02-08-2024 02-08-2029 1
28. MHD 08 : P2 Standardization in the field of Prosthodontic Materials 02-08-2024 20-08-2029 1
29. MHD 08 : P3 Standardization in the field of Dental Instruments 02-08-2024 20-08-2029 1
30. MHD 08 : P4 Standardization in the field of additive manufacturing 02-08-2024 20-08-2029 1
31. MHD 08 : P5 Standardization in the field of Dental Implants 02-08-2024 20-08-2029 1
32. MHD 08 : P6 Standardization in the field of Dental CAD/CAM 02-08-2024 20-08-2029 1
33. MHD 08 : P7 Standardization in the field of Oral Care Products 02-08-2024 20-08-2029 1
34. MHD 08 : P8 Standardization in the field of Dental Equipment 02-08-2024 20-08-2029 1
35. MHD 08 : P9 Standardization in the field of Terminology 02-08-2024 20-08-2029 1
36. MHD 09 : P1 Standardization in the field of disability devices 01-01-2024 31-03-2027 7
37. MHD 09 : P4 To formulate standards under the NLEAP (National List of Essential Assitive Products) 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 1
38. MHD 10 : P1 Standardization in the field of Laboratory glassware and plasticware 03-09-2024 31-10-2029 0
39. MHD 10 : P2 Standardization in the field of Equipment for processing, handling and preparation of samples 19-08-2024 19-08-2024 0
40. MHD 11 : P1 Standardization in the field of "Breathing Attachments and Anaesthetic Machines" 21-10-2024 21-10-2024 2
41. MHD 11 : P2 Standardization in the field of "Airway Devices and Related Equipment" 21-10-2024 21-10-2024 2
42. MHD 11 : P3 Standardization in the field of "Respiratory Devices and Related Equipment" 21-10-2024 21-10-2024 3
43. MHD 11 : P4 Standardization in the field of "Medical Gas Supply Systems" 21-10-2024 21-10-2024 3
44. MHD 12 : P1 - - 6
45. MHD 12 : P2 - - 5
46. MHD 12 : P3 Standardization in the field of Syringes, Needles and Ampules 19-08-2024 21-08-2029 0
47. MHD 12 : P4 Standardization in the field of Catheters 19-08-2024 21-08-2029 0
48. MHD 12 : P5 Standardization in the field of Sterilization for Healthcare Products 19-08-2024 21-08-2029 0
49. MHD 12 : P6 Standardization in the field of Infusion Equipment 19-08-2024 21-08-2029 0
50. MHD 12 : P7 Standardization in the field of Transfusion Equipment 19-08-2024 21-08-2029 0
51. MHD 12 : P8 Standardization in the field of Cold Chain Equipment 19-08-2023 21-08-2029 0
52. MHD 12 : P9 Standardization in the field of Medical Furniture 19-08-2024 21-08-2029 0
53. MHD 13 : P1 Standardization in the field of Veterinary Hospitals covering minimum facilities, particular requirements for animal group wise Veterinary Hospitals (i.e. Small animals, Bovines, Equines, Reptiles, Heavy / Large animals, Avians, Exotic Animals, etc.), minimum requirements for devices and instruments etc. 26-06-2024 25-06-2034 8
54. MHD 13 : P2 Standardization in the field of Instruments used in Veterinary Surgery 26-06-2024 25-06-2034 6
55. MHD 13 : P3 Standardization in the field Veterinary Ophthalmological Instruments 23-09-2024 31-10-2026 2
56. MHD 14 : P3 Standardization in the field of Hospital Planning (physical, staff and equipment planning) 15-06-2023 14-06-2033 2
57. MHD 14 : P4 Standardization in the field of quality management and operational systems for healthcare services 15-06-2023 14-06-2033 2
58. MHD 14 : P5 Standardization in the field of laboratory medicine and in vitro diagnostic test systems (Including, for ex., quality management, pre and post-analytical procedures, analytical performance, laboratory safety, reference systems and quality assurance) 15-06-2023 14-06-2033 2
59. MHD 14 : P6 Standardization in the field of Quality management and corresponding general aspects of medical devices 15-06-2023 31-03-2025 0
60. MHD 15 : P1 Standardization in the field of radiation, imaging, and therapeutics 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 0
61. MHD 15 : P2 Standardization in the field of Electromedical Equipment 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 0
62. MHD 19 : P1 - - 0
63. MHD 19 : P2 To formulate standards for Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices 19-08-2024 19-08-2026 3
64. MHD 19 : P3 To formulate standards for In-vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices 20-08-2024 20-08-2026 14
65. MHD 20 : P1 including human, animal, plant and microorganism resources for Research & Development aspects, but excluding clinical diagnosis, therapeutics, food production and agriculture. 20-09-2024 20-11-2060 11
66. MHD 20 : P2 manufacturing and related processes for cells, for cells used for therapeutic purposes, cells used in in-vitro evaluation systems for pharmaceuticals. develops standards regarding manufacturing and related processes for cell-related entities, including exosomes, bacteriophages, and so forth. 20-09-2024 20-11-2060 11
67. MHD 20 : P3 standardization for accurate, reproducible and robust measurements and analyses in support of biotechnologies relevant molecules and entities, including nucleic acids, proteins, and cells 20-09-2024 20-11-2060 13
68. MHD 20 : P4 Products, processes, test methods and delivery systems derived from nanotechnology for healthcare applications. 20-09-2024 20-09-2060 7
69. MHD 21 : P3 To formulate standard for Hospital Infection Control 20-08-2024 20-08-2026 0
70. MHD 21 : P4 To formulate standard for Hospital Biomedical Waste Management and Handling 20-08-2024 20-08-2026 0
71. MHD 23 : P1 Standardization in the field of Anatomy and Forensic Sciences Equipment 02-09-2024 02-09-2024 4
72. MHD 23 : P2 Standardization in the field of Anatomy and Forensic Sciences - SOPs, Terms and Definitions 02-09-2024 02-09-2024 1