S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MSD 02 : P11 - - 13
2. MSD 02 : P15 To revise the provision of Part 6 / Section 5 under NBC regarding Working Group for Material Provisions 10-09-2024 28-04-2024 0
3. MSD 02 : P17 To revise the provision of Part 6 / Section 5 under NBC regarding Working Group for PSC 10-09-2024 28-04-2024 0
4. MSD 02 : P18 Panel for Scrutiny of documents pertaining to ISO/TC 176 20-08-2024 21-08-2024 22
5. MSD 03 : P9 Panel for Application Statistical Methods Work related ballots and identification of expert for ISO projects 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 14
6. MSD 03 : P10 Panel for Basic Statistical Methods related ballots and identification of expert for ISO projects 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 9
7. MSD 03 : P11 Panel for Process Control related ballots and identification of expert for ISO projects 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 4
8. MSD 03 : P12 Panel for Sampling Techniques related ballots and identification of expert for ISO projects 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 7
9. MSD 03 : P13 Panel for Measurement Methods and Results related ballots and identification of expert for ISO projects 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 4
10. MSD 04 : P35 Panel for Project, Programme and Portfolio Management Sub Committee 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 10
11. MSD 05 : P15 To prepare Preliminary Drafts (P-draft) on related to Homoeopathic Software. 17-05-2023 31-12-2025 5
12. MSD 05 : P18 - - 9
13. MSD 05 : P19 To prepare the working draft on Fishing Net - Marine fish cage for aqua-culture purpose 12-11-2024 25-12-2025 14
14. MSD 05 : P20 Panel for ISO/ TC 46 Information and documentation 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 4
15. MSD 05 : P21 Panel for ISO/ TC 154, Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 2
16. MSD 05 : P22 Panel for ISO/TC 171 Document management applications 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 2
17. MSD 05 : P23 Drafting of course on Policy & Standards in Library and Information Science 27-06-2024 27-08-2024 8
18. MSD 05 : P24 Review of ISO Standards 08-08-2024 20-09-2024 6
19. MSD 06 : P4 Panel for scrutiny of ISO/TC 130 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 6
20. MSD 10 : P10 To review and provide the draft revision of IS 15559: 2004 and IS 13960: 1994. 29-08-2024 30-11-2024 3
21. MSD 10 : P12 Preparing The Draft For Stainless Steel Water Storage Tanks, CED 03: P2/WG1 16-10-2024 16-04-2025 9
22. MSD 10 : P13 Preparing The Draft for CED 03: P1/ WG04-WG for IS for FRP Manhole Cover and Frames, Gratings and Steps for Manholes, 16-10-2024 16-04-2025 5
23. MSD 10 : P14 Panel for scrutinizing ISO Technical Committee(s) 20-08-2024 20-08-2024 8
24. MSD 12 : P5 - - 16
25. MSD 12 : P7 Panel for Facilities Management 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 4
26. MSD 12 : P9 Panel for Asset Management Management 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 11
27. MSD 12 : P10 Panel for discussion events 29-10-2024 31-10-2025 5
28. MSD 12 : P20 Chair's Advisory Group 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 2
29. MSD 12 : P11 Sustainability 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 4
30. MSD 12 : P13 Product Improvement and Revision of ISO 55000 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 5
31. MSD 12 : P14 Finance 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 2
32. MSD 12 : P15 Revision of ISO 55002 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 2
33. MSD 12 : P16 Development of ISO 55011 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 1
34. MSD 12 : P17 People Involvement and Competence 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 3
35. MSD 12 : P18 Development of ISO 55013 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 0
36. MSD 12 : P19 Decision Making 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 1
37. MSD 12 : P21 Roadmap 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 0
38. MSD 12 : P22 Communication 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 1
39. MSD 12 : P23 Chair's Advisory Group ISO/TC 267/CAG 1 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 2
40. MSD 12 : P24 Concepts and Context ISO/TC 267/WG 1 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 0
41. MSD 12 : P25 Strategy and Policy ISO/TC 267/WG 4 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 2
42. MSD 12 : P26 Human Experience ISO/TC 267/WG 5 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 2
43. MSD 12 : P27 Digital, Data and Technology ISO/TC 267/WG 6 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 3
44. MSD 12 : P28 Emergency Management ISO/TC 267/WG 7 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 0
45. MSD 12 : P29 Performance Measurement and Improvement ISO/TC 267/WG 8 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 3
46. MSD 12 : P30 Leadership and Innovation ISO/TC 267/WG 9 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 0
47. MSD 15 : P1 - - 5
48. MSD 17 : 1 : P2 To formulate Indian Standard on Risk Management - Maturity Rating Guidelines 20-08-2024 31-08-2025 14
49. MSD 17 : 1 : P3 - - 13
50. MSD 17 : 2 : P1 - - 10
51. MSD 17 : P4 Panel for scrutinizing ISO / TC 262 , MSD 17:1 20-08-2024 20-08-2024 18
52. MSD 17 : P5 Panel for scrutinizing ISO / TC 292 , MSD 17:2 20-08-2024 20-08-2024 19
53. MSD 18 : P2 Review of IS 1448 (Part 182): 2020 - Methods of Test for Petroleum and its Products Part 182 Petroleum Products - Determination of Water - Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration Method. 30-10-2024 30-04-2025 6
54. MSD 18 : P4 Panel for Sustainable Finance , ISO/TC 322 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 6
55. MSD 18 : P5 Search Panel of MSD 18 27-08-2024 27-08-2024 7
56. MSD 19 : P2 Panel on Human Resource Development 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 7
57. MSD 19 : P3 Panel for Innovation Management Subcommittee 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 7
58. MSD 20 : P1 Working Group for Operation of Vertiports 04-04-2024 31-03-2025 4
59. MSD 20 : P3 Working Group for Traffic Management 04-04-2024 31-03-2025 4
60. MSD 20 : P4 Working group for Engineering 22-10-2024 31-03-2025 6