S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. MSD 02 : P11 - - 13
2. MSD 02 : P15 To revise the provision of Part 6 / Section 5 under NBC regarding Working Group for Material Provisions 10-09-2024 28-04-2024 9
3. MSD 02 : P16 To revise the provision of Part 6 / Section 5 under NBC regarding Working Group for Structural Design Provisions 28-04-2024 28-04-2024 0
4. MSD 02 : P17 To revise the provision of Part 6 / Section 5 under NBC regarding Working Group for PSC 10-09-2024 28-04-2024 5
5. MSD 02 : P18 Panel for Scrutiny of documents pertaining to ISO/TC 176 20-08-2024 21-08-2024 22
6. MSD 02 : P20 Panel for ISO/TC/176/SC 3/Task Group 2- Potential Revision of ISO 10019:2005 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 0
7. MSD 03 : P9 Panel for Application Statistical Methods Work related ballots and identification of expert for ISO projects 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 13
8. MSD 03 : P10 Panel for Basic Statistical Methods related ballots and identification of expert for ISO projects 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 8
9. MSD 03 : P11 Panel for Process Control related ballots and identification of expert for ISO projects 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 4
10. MSD 03 : P12 Panel for Sampling Techniques related ballots and identification of expert for ISO projects 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 5
11. MSD 03 : P13 Panel for Measurement Methods and Results related ballots and identification of expert for ISO projects 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 3
12. MSD 03 : P14 The scope for a standard combining Six Sigma techniques, new technology, and product development involves leveraging data-driven methodologies to improve processes, reduce defects, and ensure high-quality outcomes in product creation. By integrating Six Sigma's statistical tools with emerging technologies like AI and automation, organizations can streamline operations, enhance innovation, and shorten time to market. This approach emphasizes customer-centric development, lean principles, and cross-functional collaboration to ensure that products meet market demands and are developed efficiently and sustainably. The result is a systematic, quality-focused framework that fosters innovation while maintaining high standards in product development across various industries. 17-12-2024 30-01-2027 2
13. MSD 04 : P35 Panel for Project, Programme and Portfolio Management Sub Committee 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 10
14. MSD 04 : P39 Panel for ISO/TC 289 BRAND EVALUATION 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 4
15. MSD 04 : P40 Panel for Chain of custody 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 3
16. MSD 05 : P15 To prepare Preliminary Drafts (P-draft) on related to Homoeopathic Software. 17-05-2023 31-12-2025 5
17. MSD 05 : P18 - - 9
18. MSD 05 : P19 To prepare the working draft on Fishing Net - Marine fish cage for aqua-culture purpose 12-11-2024 25-12-2025 14
19. MSD 05 : P20 Panel for ISO/ TC 46 Information and documentation 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 14
20. MSD 05 : P21 Panel for ISO/ TC 154, Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 5
21. MSD 05 : P22 Panel for ISO/TC 171 Document management applications 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 7
22. MSD 05 : P23 Drafting of course on Policy & Standards in Library and Information Science 27-06-2024 27-08-2024 8
23. MSD 05 : P24 Review of ISO Standards 08-08-2024 20-09-2024 8
24. MSD 05 : P1 To review ISO standard for any modifications, updates, new clause needed for its adoption in the Indian context. 01-11-2024 01-11-2025 6
25. MSD 05 : P2 To review ISO standard for any modifications, updates, new clause needed for its adoption in the Indian context. 01-10-2024 01-10-2026 8
26. MSD 05 : P3 To Review ISO 9: 1995 24-01-2025 24-02-2026 3
27. MSD 06 : P4 Panel for scrutiny of ISO/TC 130 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 6
28. MSD 10 : P10 To review and provide the draft revision of IS 15559: 2004 and IS 13960: 1994. 29-08-2024 30-11-2024 3
29. MSD 10 : P12 Preparing The Draft For Stainless Steel Water Storage Tanks, CED 03: P2/WG1 16-10-2024 16-04-2025 9
30. MSD 10 : P13 Preparing The Draft for CED 03: P1/ WG04-WG for IS for FRP Manhole Cover and Frames, Gratings and Steps for Manholes, 16-10-2024 16-04-2025 5
31. MSD 10 : P14 Panel for scrutinizing ISO Technical Committee(s) 20-08-2024 20-08-2024 8
32. MSD 12 : P5 - - 16
33. MSD 12 : P7 Panel for Facilities Management 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 4
34. MSD 12 : P9 Panel for Asset Management Management 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 11
35. MSD 12 : P10 Panel for discussion events 29-10-2024 31-10-2025 5
36. MSD 12 : P20 Chair's Advisory Group 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 2
37. MSD 12 : P11 Sustainability 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 4
38. MSD 12 : P13 Product Improvement and Revision of ISO 55000 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 5
39. MSD 12 : P14 Finance 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 2
40. MSD 12 : P15 Revision of ISO 55002 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 2
41. MSD 12 : P16 Development of ISO 55011 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 1
42. MSD 12 : P17 People Involvement and Competence 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 3
43. MSD 12 : P18 Development of ISO 55013 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 0
44. MSD 12 : P19 Decision Making 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 1
45. MSD 12 : P21 Roadmap 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 0
46. MSD 12 : P22 Communication 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 1
47. MSD 12 : P23 Chair's Advisory Group ISO/TC 267/CAG 1 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 2
48. MSD 12 : P24 Concepts and Context ISO/TC 267/WG 1 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 0
49. MSD 12 : P25 Strategy and Policy ISO/TC 267/WG 4 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 2
50. MSD 12 : P26 Human Experience ISO/TC 267/WG 5 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 2
51. MSD 12 : P27 Digital, Data and Technology ISO/TC 267/WG 6 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 3
52. MSD 12 : P28 Emergency Management ISO/TC 267/WG 7 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 0
53. MSD 12 : P29 Performance Measurement and Improvement ISO/TC 267/WG 8 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 3
54. MSD 12 : P30 Leadership and Innovation ISO/TC 267/WG 9 29-11-2024 30-11-2025 0
55. MSD 15 : P1 replacement of mercury thermometers 14-01-2025 14-06-2025 5
56. MSD 17 : 1 : P2 To formulate Indian Standard on Risk Management - Maturity Rating Guidelines 20-08-2024 31-08-2025 14
57. MSD 17 : 1 : P3 - - 13
58. MSD 17 : 2 : P1 - - 10
59. MSD 17 : P4 Panel for scrutinizing ISO / TC 262 , MSD 17:1 20-08-2024 20-08-2024 18
60. MSD 17 : P5 Panel for scrutinizing ISO / TC 292 , MSD 17:2 20-08-2024 20-08-2024 19
61. MSD 18 : P2 Review of IS 1448 (Part 182): 2020 - Methods of Test for Petroleum and its Products Part 182 Petroleum Products - Determination of Water - Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration Method. 30-10-2024 30-04-2025 6
62. MSD 18 : P4 Panel for Sustainable Finance , ISO/TC 322 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 6
63. MSD 18 : P5 Search Panel of MSD 18 27-08-2024 27-08-2024 7
64. MSD 19 : P2 Panel on Human Resource Development 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 8
65. MSD 19 : P3 Panel for Innovation Management Subcommittee 21-08-2024 21-08-2024 7
66. MSD 20 : P1 Working Group for Operation of Vertiports 04-04-2024 31-03-2025 4
67. MSD 20 : P3 Working Group for Traffic Management 04-04-2024 31-03-2025 4
68. MSD 20 : P4 Working group for Engineering 22-10-2024 31-03-2025 7