S No Group Number Scope of work Date of creation Time Frame No of Members
1. EED C : P6 1. To conduct a thorough review of the relevant literature, including research articles, books, journals, and applicable national and international regulations and standards pertaining to Sustainable Agriculture. 2. To draft a brief document that presents the background and concept of the subject, reviews current best practices and guidelines, identifies gaps and inconsistencies, and suggests recommendations for best practices and potential areas for improvement. 3. To propose recommendations regarding new topics for EEDC to work upon for standardization on Sustainable Agriculture, based on the findings from the analysis conducted at points 1 and 2 above. 12-09-2024 12-09-2024 6
2. EED C : P2 1. To conduct a thorough review of the relevant literature, including research articles, books, journals, and applicable national and international regulations and standards pertaining to Water Quality Management. 2. To draft a brief document that presents the background and concept of the subject, reviews current best practices and guidelines, identifies gaps and inconsistencies, and suggests recommendations for best practices and potential areas for improvement. 3. To propose recommendations regarding new topics for EEDC to work upon for standardization on Water Quality Management, based on the findings from the analysis conducted at points 1 and 2 above. 12-09-2024 12-09-2024 9
3. EED C : P1 i) To conduct a thorough review of the relevant literature, including research articles, books, journals, and applicable national and international regulations and standards pertaining to Air Quality Management. ii) To draft a brief document that presents the background and concept of the subject, reviews current best practices and guidelines, identifies gaps and inconsistencies, and suggests recommendations for best practices and potential areas for improvement. iii) To propose recommendations regarding new topics for EEDC to work upon for standardization on Air Quality Management, based on the findings from the analysis conducted at points 1 and 2 above. 12-09-2024 12-09-2024 17
4. EED C : P3 i) To conduct a thorough review of the relevant literature, including research articles, books, journals, and applicable national and international regulations and standards pertaining to Waste Management. ii) To draft a brief document that presents the background and concept of the subject, reviews current best practices and guidelines, identifies gaps and inconsistencies, and suggests recommendations for best practices and potential areas for improvement. iii) To propose recommendations regarding new topics for EEDC to work upon for standardization on Waste Management, based on the findings from the analysis conducted at points 1 and 2 above. 12-09-2024 12-08-2024 9
5. EED C : P5 i) To conduct a thorough review of the relevant literature, including research articles, books, journals, and applicable national and international regulations and standards pertaining to Sustainable Habitat. ii) To draft a brief document that presents the background and concept of the subject, reviews current best practices and guidelines, identifies gaps and inconsistencies, and suggests recommendations for best practices and potential areas for improvement. iii) To propose recommendations regarding new topics for EEDC to work upon for standardization on Sustainable Habitat, based on the findings from the analysis conducted at points 1 and 2 above. 12-09-2024 12-08-2024 14
6. EED C : P4 i) To conduct a thorough review of the relevant literature, including research articles, books, journals, and applicable national and international regulations and standards pertaining to Environmental Monitoring, Measurement and Management. ii) To draft a brief document that presents the background and concept of the subject, reviews current best practices and guidelines, identifies gaps and inconsistencies, and suggests recommendations for best practices and potential areas for improvement. iii) To propose recommendations regarding new topics for EEDC to work upon for standardization on Environmental Monitoring, Measurement and Management, based on the findings from the analysis conducted at points 1 and 2 above. 12-09-2024 12-08-2024 10
7. EED C : P7 i) To conduct a thorough review of the relevant literature, including research articles, books, journals, and applicable national and international regulations and standards pertaining to Circular Economy. ii) To draft a brief document that presents the background and concept of the subject, reviews current best practices and guidelines, identifies gaps and inconsistencies, and suggests recommendations for best practices and potential areas for improvement. iii) To propose recommendations regarding new topics for EEDC to work upon for standardization on Circular Economy, based on the findings from the analysis conducted at points 1 and 2 above. 12-09-2024 12-08-2024 12
8. EED C : P8 i) To conduct a thorough review of the relevant literature, including research articles, books, journals, and applicable national and international regulations and standards pertaining to Sustainable Manufacturing. ii) To draft a brief document that presents the background and concept of the subject, reviews current best practices and guidelines, identifies gaps and inconsistencies, and suggests recommendations for best practices and potential areas for improvement. iii) To propose recommendations regarding new topics for EEDC to work upon for standardization on Sustainable Manufacturing, based on the findings from the analysis conducted at points 1 and 2 above. 12-09-2024 12-08-2024 2
9. EED C : P9 i) To conduct a thorough review of the relevant literature, including research articles, books, journals, and applicable national and international regulations and standards pertaining to Biodiversity and Ecosystem. ii) To draft a brief document that presents the background and concept of the subject, reviews current best practices and guidelines, identifies gaps and inconsistencies, and suggests recommendations for best practices and potential areas for improvement. iii) To propose recommendations regarding new topics for EEDC to work upon for standardization on Biodiversity and Ecosystem, based on the findings from the analysis conducted at points 1 and 2 above. 12-09-2024 12-08-2024 6
10. EED 01 : P4 To formulate Indian Standards related to i.) Environment Labeling ii) Product Category Rules iii) Environmental Product Declarations. 21-02-2014 11-09-2024 6
11. EED 01 : P5 To formulate Indian Standards in the field of : (i) Circularity framework, Guidance , Supporting Tools and requirements (ii) Circularity in design (iii) Recovered critical materials / resources of national importance Excluding: Aspects of Circular Economy already covered by other sectional committees. 11-09-2024 11-09-2024 23
12. EED 01 : P6 To formulate Indian standards on Preparation and Execution of Greenhouse Gas Related courses. 10-04-2024 11-09-2024 15
13. EED 01 : P2 To formulate Indian standards for Environmental Management Systems, Environmental Auditing, related environmental investigations, Environmental Performance Evaluation, and Life Cycle Assessment, including guides for implementing EMS in different sectors. 30-01-2023 04-12-2024 14
14. EED 01 : P3 To formulate Indian Standards related to Carbon Dioxide Capture, Storage and Transportation. 01-11-2024 04-12-2024 11
15. EED 01 : P1 To formulate Indian standards on Green House Gas, Climate Change Mitigation and accounting, Carbon footprint of Product, GHG quantification and Carbon Neutrality . 01-11-2024 04-12-2024 17
16. EED 02 : P1 i. To study in-depth, the documents received from ISO/TC 282 and its Sub-Committees. ii. To study and examine the ISO documents circulated by the ISO/TC 282 and its Sub-Committees, from time to time and provide comments to cast the vote; iii. To examine the standards published by ISO/TC 282 and its Sub-Committees and provide recommendations for their adoption as Indian Standards; iv. To prepare Indian stand points in the plenary meetings of both the Committees; v. To suggest suitable experts in various ISO ‘Working Groups’ and Ad’Hoc Groups of ISO/TC 282 and its Sub-Committees 06-01-2025 06-01-2025 7
17. EED 04 : P4 1. To study, examine and deliberate thoroughly on the existing literature, documents, data, information etc., available on the subject along with exploring the availability of the work being done by any organization/stakeholder in this reference. 2. To suggest the plan of action for development of the Indian Standard on the subject. 3. To provide a draft after following the decided plan of action for wide circulation. 4. Address the comments received on wide circulation, if any, and further till the document is published. 14-09-2021 05-12-2026 5
18. EED 04 : P2 1. To study, examine and deliberate thoroughly on the existing literature, documents, data, information etc., available on the subject along with exploring the availability of the work being done by any organization/stakeholder in this reference. 2. To suggest the plan of action for development of the Indian Standard on the subject. 3. To provide a draft after following the decided plan of action for wide circulation. 4. Address the comments received on wide circulation, if any, and further till the document is published. 24-07-2020 03-10-2026 7
19. EED 04 : P5 i) To study in-depth, the documents received from ISO/TC 224; ii) To study and examine the ISO documents circulated by the ISO/TC 224, from time to time and provide comments to cast the vote; iii) To examine the standards published by ISO/TC 224 and provide recommendations for their adoption as Indian Standards; iv) To prepare Indian stand points in the plenary meetings of Technical Committees; v) To suggest suitable experts in various ISO ‘Working Groups’ and ‘Ad’ Hoc Groups’ of ISO/TC 224; 17-01-2025 03-12-2029 3
20. EED 04 : P3 1. To study, examine and deliberate thoroughly on the existing literature, documents, data, information etc., available on the subject along with exploring the availability of the work being done by any organization/stakeholder in this reference. 2. To suggest the plan of action for development of the Indian Standard on the subject. 3. To provide a draft after following the decided plan of action for wide circulation. 4. Address the comments received on wide circulation, if any, and further till the document is published. 03-06-2021 19-02-2026 4
21. EED 04 : P6 1. To study, examine and deliberate thoroughly on the existing literature, documents, data, information etc., available on the subject along with exploring the availability of the work being done by any organization/stakeholder in this reference. 2. To suggest the plan of action for development of the Indian Standard on the subject. 3. To provide a draft after following the decided plan of action for wide circulation. 4. Address the comments received on wide circulation, if any, and further till the document is published. 5. Monitor the R&D project associated with the subjects. 17-01-2025 16-12-2028 4
22. EED 05 : P3 - - 10
23. EED 05 : P4 - - 4
24. EED 05 : P5 - - 8
25. EED 05 : P6 - - 7
26. EED 05 : P8 - - 7
27. EED 08 : P1 - - 7
28. EED 08 : P2 - - 5
29. EED 08 : P3 - - 6
30. EED 08 : P4 - - 8
31. EED 08 : P5 - - 4