SSD 02 : P1 - Panel for MICE Sector Panel

# Organization Member Details Role Functional Category
1 Indian Exhibition Industry Association (IEIA), New Delhi
:   Sooraj Dhawan
:   Executive committee member
Convenor Industry Association
2 Event and Entertainment Management Association (EEMA), New Delhi
:   Shri Deepak Pawar
:   Secretary
Alternate Member Industry Association
3 Incentive Conference & Event Management, New Delhi
:   Naveen Rizvi
:   Executive Director
Principal Member Industry Association
4 India Convention Promotion Bureau, New Delhi
:   Amaresh Kumar Tiwari
Principal Member Industry Association
:   Chander Mansharamani
:   Hon. Secretary
Alternate Member
5 Indian Exhibition Industry Association (IEIA), New Delhi
:   Sudeep Sarcar
:   Vice President
Alternate Member Industry Association
6 Ministry of Tourism, New Delhi
:   Manisha Saxena
:   Director General
Principal Member Central Ministry/Dept.
:   Sanjay Singh
:   Deputy Director General
Alternate Member
7 Services Export Promotion Council, New Delhi
:   Abhishek Sahdev
:   Deputy Director
Principal Member Industry Association