Document Details
Name of Department/Committee : MSD 17
Document Number : MSD 17 ( 26218)
Document Title [English] : Security and Resilience — Emergency Management — Guidelines for Monitoring Facilities with Identified Hazards
Document Title [Hindi] : सुरक्षा और लचीलापन — आपातकालीन प्रबंधन — पहचाने गए खतरों वाली सुविधाओं की निगरानी के लिए दिशानिर्देश
Document Type : New
Language : English
Priority : 3
ICS Code : 03.100.01
Date of Project Approval : 07-06-2024
Standards to be Superseded :

Classification Details
Group : Management systems/services and corporate social responsibilities
Sub Group : Risk Management, Security and Resilience
Sub Sub Group : Security and resilience
Aspects : Others
Risk : None
Certification : None
Short Commom Man's Title :
ITCHS Code :
Ministry :
Sustainable development Goals :
Degree of Equivalence : Identical under dual numbering
Identical/Equivalent Standards : ISO 22326:2018
Organization Type: ISO

Division Council Chairperson Approval Details
Request Date: 28-11-2024
Status of Chairperson Approval: Division Council Chairperson approval uploaded by member secretary  (Click to View)
Division Council Chairperson : B. Metri
Attachment :  View File 1
 View File 2
Sectional Committee Chairman Approval :

::Cross Referenced Indian Standard::
Sl. No. Is No & Year IS Title
1 IS/ISO 22300 : Part 2: 2021 Security and Resilience - Vocabulary

Sl.No. Synosis Points
1 This document gives guidelines for monitoring hazards within a facility as a part of an overall emergency management and continuity programme by establishing the process for hazard monitoring at facilities with identified hazards.
2 It includes recommendations on how to develop and operate systems for the purpose of monitoring facilities with identified hazards. It covers the entire process of monitoring facilities.
3 This document is generic and applicable to any organization. The application depends on the operating environment, the complexity of the organization and the type of identified hazards.

Timeline Details

S.No. P-Draft
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date(Gazette)
Entered By Entered On
1 24-07-2024 24-12-2024 11-03-2025 26-07-2025 RAJIV RANJAN 24-07-2024
Stage Date of Occurence Remarks Circulated to Files
1 Generation of Document Number 07-06-2024 -------
2 P-Draft Waived 24-07-2024 -------
3 WC Draft 29-07-2024 Duration : 60 Days
Submitted for HOD approval
4 WC Draft 06-08-2024 WC approved by HOD
MSDC  MSD 17, -------
5 Skipped to Finalization 22-10-2024 Stage-Changed -------
6 Finalization 11-09-2024 ------ -------
7 Final Draft 22-10-2024 Submited for HOD approval
8 Final Draft Rejected by HOD 22-10-2024 Final Draft rejected by HOD
Remarks: Check Hindi Title
9 Final Draft 29-10-2024 Submited for HOD approval
10 Final Draft Rejected by HOD 07-11-2024 Final Draft rejected by HOD
Remarks: See Hindi title
11 Final Draft 08-11-2024 Submited for HOD approval
12 Final Draft draft accepted by HOD and sent to Publication 18-11-2024 Final Draft approved by HOD -------
13 Accepted by Publication 21-11-2024 Final Draft accepted by Publication
Remarks: Accepted by Publication
14 Proof sent by OSA to Publication 26-11-2024 Proof to OSA Stage-Skipped -------
15 Skipped to Pdf Stage 26-11-2024 Proof to Technial Department Stage-Skipped -------
16 Stage-Skipped 26-11-2024 PDF to OSA Stage-Skipped -------
17 Pdf sent by Publication to Technical Department 26-11-2024 डी सी चेयरपर्सन के अप्रूवल एवं गज़ेट डिटेल्स हेतु पी डी एफ फॉर्मैट संलग्न है । कृपया डॉक्यूमेंट में दिए गए कमेन्ट का उत्तर दीजीएगा। -------
18 Pdf sent by Technical Department to Publication 28-11-2024 comment has been resolved. -------
19 Pdf sent by Publication to Technical Department 28-11-2024 संशोधित डॉक्यूमेंट संलग्न है । -------
20 Pdf sent by Technical Department to Publication 28-11-2024 Kindly proceed for gazette. -------
21 Pdf sent by Publication to Technical Department 04-12-2024 Period of concurrency has been mentioned in gazette details as 6 month however the standard to be withdrawn has not been mentioned. -------
22 Pdf sent by Technical Department to Publication 04-12-2024 Gazette details updated. this is new standard so withdrawn has not been mentioned. -------
23 Ready for Gazette 17-12-2024 Stage-Changed -------