Document Details
Name of Department/Committee : FAD 22
Document Number : FAD 22 ( 22873)
Document Title [Hindi] : कृषि पद्धतियों और प्राकृतिक रूप से उत्पादित उत्पादों की लेबलिंग पर आवश्यकताएँ - प्राकृतिक कृषि उत्पादन प्रणाली
Document Type : New
Language : English
Priority : 1
ICS Code : 65.020.99
Date of Project Approval : 03-02-2023
Standards to be Superseded :

Classification Details
Group : Agriculture, Agricultural Products and Implements
Sub Group : Good Agricultural Practice
Sub Sub Group : Good Aricultural Practices
Aspects : Process Specification
Risk : High
Certification : Voluntary Certification
Short Commom Man's Title : Natural farming
ITCHS Code :
Ministry :
  • Ministry of Agriculture
  • Ministry of Agriculture - Department of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare
Sustainable development Goals :
Degree of Equivalence : Indigenous
Identical/Equivalent Standards :
Organization Type:

Sl.No. Synosis Points
1 To motivate farmers to adopt chemical free farming and enhance the reach of natural farming, the Government formulated National Mission on Natural Farming (NMNF) as a separate and independent scheme from 2023-24 by up scaling the Bhartiya Prakritik Krishi Paddhati (BPKP). Therefore, a need was felt in order to develop an Indian Standard on Natural farming production system in order to provide required guidance to the farming community and all concerned stakeholders of natural farming.
2 Natural farming production system is an agricultural production system which mainly emphasis on use of locally available on farm/traditional inputs integrated system with good agronomic practices which encourages coexistence, soil health, ecology, natural cycles, natural micro flora and fauna, diversity , production density and good production management system.
3 This standard covers the crop production requirements, soil and fertility management, nutrients management, pest management, contamination control, soil water conservation, processing and handling, storage, transportation, livestock management of natural farming production system. This standard also provides labelling requirements of products that are produced through the process of natural farming crop production up to packaging and transport of the final product.
4 This Standard is applicable to all agricultural, horticultural, medicinal / herbal and agroforestry crops, livestock / fisheries/Beekeeping systems and their products.
5 The requirements provided in this standard is limited to on-farm processing at individual or at group of producers. Multi-ingredients processing, where raw material is derived from different sources and from different certification systems/ standards is not part of this standard.

Timeline Details

S.No. P-Draft
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date(Gazette)
Entered By Entered On
1 09-07-2023 09-10-2023 09-11-2023 09-01-2024 Mr. DEBASISH MAHALIK 09-07-2023
Stage Date of Occurence Remarks Circulated to Files
1 Generation of Document Number 03-02-2023 -------
2 P-Draft 09-07-2023 Covering letter generated -------
3 P-Draft 09-07-2023 Duration : 21 Days
Remarks : In its 12th meeting of FAD 22 considering the urgency of the matter the committee requested Dr Gagnesh Sharma Convener FAD 22Panel III : Panel on Organic production and Natural farming systems to conduct the panel meeting on priority and provide the Preliminary draft within a period of 60 days which upon receipt will be circulated among committee members for a period of 21 days for comment Subsequently after multiple meeting the draft has been finalized by the panel and submitted for comments The last date for comments is 29 July 2023
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4 Skipped to W-Draft 17-09-2023 Stage-Changed -------
5 WC Draft 17-09-2023 Duration : 60 Days
Submitted for HOD approval
Remarks : In the 13th meeting of FAD 22 held on 18th August 2023 After due deliberation the committee decided to send the above draft into wide circulation for a period of 60 days for comments If no comments received during this period of 60 days the draft will be sent for publication after necessary approval from Chairperson FAD 22 Accordingly the draft is being circulated for comments and submitted for your necessary approval
6 WC Draft 26-09-2023 WC rejected by HOD
Remarks: Corrections indicated in hard copy
7 WC Draft 26-10-2023 Duration : 60 Days
Submitted for HOD approval
Remarks : The necessary changes have been incorporated in the draft and submitted for your kind approval
8 WC Draft 26-10-2023 WC approved by HOD
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