Document Details
Name of Department/Committee : TED 07
Document Number : TED 07 ( 21146)
IS Number (Technical Department) : IS 15627: 2022
Document Title [English] : Automotive Vehicles — Pneumatic Tyres for Two and Three-Wheeled Motor Vehicles, Quadricycles and E-Rickshaw/E-Carts — Specification
Document Title [Hindi] : स्वचल वाहन – दुपहिया एवं तिपहिया मोटर वाहनों, क्वाड्री साईकिल एवं ई-रिक्शा / ई-कार्ट के लिए वातिल टायर - विशिष्टि
Document Type : Amendment
Amendment No : 2
Language : English
Priority : 1
ICS Code :
Date of Project Approval : 24-06-2022
Standards to be Superseded :

Division Council Chairperson Approval Details
Request Date: 29-05-2024
Status of Chairperson Approval: Division Council Chairperson approval uploaded by member secretary  (Click to View)
Division Council Chairperson : SHRI K.C.SHARMA
Attachment :  View
Sectional Committee Chairman Approval :

Sl.No. Synosis Points
1 This standard specifies the general, dimensional and performance requirements of new diagonal and radial ply pneumatic tyres designed for two wheelers (L1 and L2 category of vehicles as defined in IS 14272), three wheelers (L5 category of vehicles as defined in IS 14272) ,quadricycles (L7 category of vehicles as defined in IS 14272), E-rickshaws and E-carts. However, it does not apply to tyres designed for competitions. This amendment document is for amendment in Table 12

Timeline Details

S.No. P-Draft
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date
Completion Date(Gazette)
Entered By Entered On
1 02-11-2022 02-02-2023 02-03-2023 02-05-2023 Mr. AUGUST DUBEY 02-11-2022
Stage Date of Occurence Remarks Circulated to Files
1 Generation of Document Number 24-06-2022 -------
2 P-Draft Waived 04-11-2022 In 35th meeting, committee decided to send the amendment document in WC -------
3 WC Draft 04-11-2022 Duration : 60 Days
Submitted for HOD approval
4 WC Draft 16-11-2022 WC approved by HOD
TEDC   -------
5 WC Draft 03-07-2023 Duration : 60 Days
Submitted for HOD approval
Remarks : In 37th meeting committee decided to issue the draft document in WC of 60 days
6 WC Draft 03-07-2023 WC rejected by HOD
Remarks: Please make the corrections as per IS 12
7 WC Draft 11-09-2023 Duration : 60 Days
Submitted for HOD approval
Remarks : Updated Draft document is attached herewith for kind consideration and approval please
8 WC Draft 11-09-2023 WC approved by HOD
TEDC   -------
9 WC Draft 27-12-2023 Duration : 30 Days
Submitted for HOD approval
Remarks : Committee decided to issue the draft amendment document again into 30 days WC after incorporating the agreed commentsIt further decided that if no comment is received draft amendment to be processed into publication directly It authorized BIS to carry out editorial correction if any
10 WC Draft 27-12-2023 WC approved by HOD
TEDC   -------
11 WC Draft 27-12-2023 WC approved by HOD
TEDC   -------
12 WC Draft 27-12-2023 WC approved by HOD
TEDC   -------
13 Skipped to Finalization 05-04-2024 Stage-Changed -------
14 Finalization 04-03-2024 ------ -------
15 Final Draft 05-04-2024 Submited for HOD approval
16 Final Draft draft accepted by HOD and sent to Publication 05-04-2024 Final Draft approved by HOD -------
17 Accepted by Publication 08-04-2024 Final Draft accepted by Publication
Remarks: Accepted by Publication
18 Proof sent by OSA to Publication 16-04-2024 Proof to OSA Stage-Skipped -------
19 Skipped to Pdf Stage 16-04-2024 Proof to Technial Department Stage-Skipped -------
20 Stage-Skipped 16-04-2024 PDF to OSA Stage-Skipped -------
21 Pdf sent by Publication to Technical Department 16-04-2024 First copy attached kindly check and revert along with DC approval. -------
22 Pdf sent by Technical Department to Publication 30-04-2024 Kindly make the correction as mentioned in draft and provide the corrected copy for DC approval -------
23 Pdf sent by Publication to Technical Department 09-05-2024 Correction done, kindly check and revert along with DC approval. -------
24 Pdf sent by Technical Department to Publication 29-05-2024 ------ -------
25 Pdf sent by Publication to Technical Department 25-06-2024 No. of licences have been mentioned in gazette details as zero, however there are 52 licences as per information available in know your standards tab. Kindly review and inform. -------
26 Pdf sent by Technical Department to Publication 26-06-2024 Standard is under Mandatory certification. We are unable to update the No of Licences. -------
27 Pdf sent by Publication to Technical Department 04-07-2024 if it is Product Standard then please fill the gazette notification details. No. of Licence issued and Period of concurrency along with Implementation date. So that the Document will be processed for next stage. -------
28 Pdf sent by Technical Department to Publication 05-07-2024 For no of license, it is mentioned in my previous comment that we are unable to update.No of license may be taken from Portal or may be sought from CMD. For Concurrency period, it is already mentioned that Concurrency period to be decided by Competent Authority in gazette section. -------
29 Ready for Gazette 18-07-2024 Stage-Changed -------