
S.No Document Number Document Title Doc Type Priority Language Document Stage Last Action Date
1 MED/01/17402
IS 8753: 1977
Code for Acceptance Tests on Stationary Steam Generators of the Power Station Type (First Revision) Revision 3 English Ready for Gazette 04-07-2024
2 MED/01/22048
IS 4049 : Part 1: 1988
Formed Ends for Tanks and Pressure Vessels - Specification Part 1 Based on Outside Diameter (Third Revision) Revision 3 English Ready for Gazette 11-12-2023
3 MED/01/22049
IS 4049 : Part 2: 1996
Formed Ends for Tanks and Pressure Vessels — Specification Part 2 Based on Inside Diameter (Second Revision) Revision 3 English Ready for Gazette 17-01-2024