
S.No Document Number Document Title Doc Type Priority Language Document Stage Last Action Date
1 LITD/32/22485
(Identical To: ISO/IEC 2382-37:2022)
Information Technology Vocabulary Part 37: Biometrics New 3 English WC-Draft 29-05-2023
2 LITD/32/22486
(Identical To: ISO/IEC 19795-1:2021)
Information Technology Biometric Performance Testing and Reporting Part 1: Principles and Framework New 3 English WC-Draft 29-05-2023
3 LITD/32/22487
(Identical To: ISO/IEC 24779-1:2016)
Information Technology Cross-Jurisdictional and Societal Aspects of Implementation of Biometric Technologies Pictograms Icons and Symbols for use With Biometric Systems Part 1: General Principles New 3 English WC-Draft 29-05-2023
4 LITD/32/22488
(Identical To: ISO/IEC 24779-4:2017)
Information Technology Cross-Jurisdictional and Societal Aspects of Implementation of Biometric Technologies Pictograms Icons and Symbols for use With Biometric Systems Part 4: Fingerprint Applications New 3 English WC-Draft 29-05-2023
5 LITD/32/22489
(Identical To: ISO/IEC 24779-9:2015)
Information Technology Cross-Jurisdictional and Societal Aspects of Implementation of Biometric Technologies Pictograms Icons and Symbols for use With Biometric Systems Part 9: Vascular Applications New 3 English WC-Draft 29-05-2023