
S.No Document Number Document Title Doc Type Priority Language Document Stage Last Action Date
1 LITD/30/18790
(Identical To: ISO/IEC TR 24027:2021)
Information technology Artificial intelligence AI Bias in AI systems and AI aided decision making New 3 English F-Draft 13-07-2022
2 LITD/30/22592
(Identical To: ISO/IEC 23894:2023)
Information technology Artificial intelligence Guidance on risk management New 3 English Ready for Gazette 04-10-2023
3 LITD/30/24566
(Identical To: ISO/IEC 42001:2023)
Information Technology - Artificial Intelligence- Management System New 3 English PDF Sent To Technical Department 20-06-2024
4 LITD/30/24862
(Identical To: ISO/IEC TR 5469:2024)
Artificial Intelligence -Functional Safety and AI Systems New 3 English PDF Sent To Technical Department 21-06-2024
5 LITD/30/24865
(Identical To: ISO/IEC 5339:2024)
Information Technology -Artificial Intelligence- Guidance for AI Applications New 3 English PDF Sent To Technical Department 27-06-2024
6 LITD/30/24866
(Identical To: ISO/IEC 5338:2023)
Information Technology- Artificial Intelligence- AI System Life Cycle Processes New 3 English PDF Sent To Technical Department 27-06-2024
7 LITD/30/24867
(Identical To: ISO/IEC TS 25058:2024)
Systems and Software Engineering- Systems and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation SQuaRE -Guidance for Quality Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence AI Systems New 3 English Manuscritp for editing (with Publication) 18-06-2024