
S.No Document Number Document Title Doc Type Priority Language Document Stage Last Action Date
1 LITD/28/21729 Smart Cities - GIS Part 2 Self-Assessment of GIS Reference Architecture New 3 English WC-Draft 31-05-2023
2 LITD/28/22596 Municipal Governance Part 8: Building Plan Approval Section 1: Taxonomy New 3 English WC-Draft 21-08-2023
3 LITD/28/22599 Municipal Governance Part 7: Water and Sewerage Section 1: Taxonomy New 3 English WC-Draft 21-08-2023
4 LITD/28/22601 Municipal Governance Part 6: Trade License Section 1: Taxonomy New 3 English WC-Draft 21-08-2023
5 LITD/28/22602 Municipal Governance Part 4: Fire No Objection Certificate NoC Section 1: Taxonomy New 3 English F-Draft 14-12-2023
6 LITD/28/22606 Municipal Governance Part 5: Municipal Grievance Redressal Section 1: Taxonomy New 3 English F-Draft 14-12-2023
7 LITD/28/24026 Unified Data Exchange Part 4: Compliance Specifications Section 1: Catalogue Service New 3 English WC-Draft 14-02-2024