
S.No Document Number Document Title Doc Type Priority Language Document Stage Last Action Date
1 LITD/27/24904
(Identical To: ISO/IEC 21823-1:2019)
Internet of Things IoT - Interoperability for IoT systems - Part 1: Framework New 3 English PDF Sent To Technical Department 20-07-2024
2 LITD/27/24905
(Identical To: ISO/IEC 21823-2:2020)
Internet of Things IoT - Interoperability for IoT systems - Part 2: Transport interoperability New 3 English Pdf from Department 15-07-2024
3 LITD/27/24906
(Identical To: ISO/IEC 21823-3:2021)
Internet of Things IoT - Interoperability for IoT systems - Part 3: Semantic interoperability New 3 English PDF Sent To Technical Department 16-07-2024
4 LITD/27/24907
(Identical To: ISO/IEC 21823-4:2022)
Internet of Things IoT - Interoperability for IoT systems - Part 4: Syntactic interoperability New 3 English PDF Sent To Technical Department 22-07-2024