
S.No Document Number Document Title Doc Type Priority Language Document Stage Last Action Date
1 LITD/22/22758
IS 13393: 2017

(Identical To: ISO 6709:2022)
Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates (Second Revision) Revision 3 English F-Draft 10-07-2024
2 LITD/22/22759
(Identical To: ISO 19168-2:2022)
Geographic information – Geospatial API for features — Part 2: Coordinate Reference Systems by Reference New 3 English F-Draft 10-07-2024
3 LITD/22/23096 Airborne LiDAR data acquisition Part 1 Requirements New 3 English WC-Draft 05-01-2024
4 LITD/22/23729
IS 16626: 2017

(Identical To: ISO 19136-1:2020)
Geographic information Geography Markup Language GML Part 1: Fundamentals Revision 3 English F-Draft 11-07-2024
5 LITD/22/23730
(Identical To: ISO 19101-1:2014 )
Geographic information Reference model Part 1: Fundamentals New 3 English PDF Sent To Technical Department 10-07-2024
6 LITD/22/23731
(Identical To: ISO 19101-2:2018)
Geographic information Reference model Part 2: Imagery New 3 English PDF Sent To Technical Department 15-07-2024
7 LITD/22/23732
(Identical To: ISO 19105: 2022)
Geographic information Conformance and testing New 3 English F-Draft 09-07-2024
8 LITD/22/23733
(Identical To: ISO 19160-1:2015)
Addressing Part 1: Conceptual model New 3 English WC-Draft 13-10-2023
9 LITD/22/23736
(Identical To: ISO 19160-3:2020)
Addressing Part 3: Address data quality New 3 English WC-Draft 13-10-2023
10 LITD/22/23737
(Identical To: ISO 19160-4:2023)
Addressing Part 4: International postal address components and template language New 3 English WC-Draft 11-10-2023
11 LITD/22/25213 DataContent Standard for Geospatial Information Part 1 - Soils New 3 English Project-Approval 09-04-2024
12 LITD/22/25214 DataContent Standard for Geospatial Information - Part 2 Forestry New 3 English Project-Approval 09-04-2024
13 LITD/22/25215 DataContent Standard for Geospatial Information - Part 3 Geology New 3 English Project-Approval 09-04-2024
14 LITD/22/25216 Navic Receiver New 3 English P-Draft 24-04-2024
15 LITD/22/25536
IS 17007 : 2018

(Identical To: ISO 19103:2015)
Geographic Information Conceptual Schema Language Revision 3 English WC-Draft 09-07-2024
16 LITD/22/25537
IS 18594 : 2024

(Identical To: ISO 19152:2012)
Geographic Information Land Administration Domain Model LADM Revision 3 English WC-Draft 09-07-2024
17 LITD/22/25845 Geospatial Information Functional Areas Administrative Boundaries New 3 English P-Draft 12-06-2024