
S.No Document Number Document Title Doc Type Priority Language Document Stage Last Action Date
1 LITD/03/23483
(Identical To: IEC 60512-4-1 : 2003)
Connectors for electronic equipment - Part - 4 Tests and measurements - Section - 1: Voltage stress tests - Test 4a: Voltage proof New 3 English Manuscritp for editing (with Publication) 21-06-2024
2 LITD/03/23486
(Identical To: IEC 60512-4-2 : 2002)
Connectors for electronic equipment Part -4 Tests and measurements Section - 2: Voltage stress tests - Test 4b: Partial discharge New 3 English F-Draft 02-07-2024
3 LITD/03/23487
(Identical To: IEC 60512-4-3 : 2002)
Connectors for electronic equipment Part - 4 Tests and measurements Section - 3: Voltage stress tests - Test 4c: Voltage proof of pre-insulated crimp barrels New 3 English F-Draft 02-07-2024
4 LITD/03/23495
(Identical To: IEC 60512-2-1: 2002)
Connectors for electronic equipment Part 2 Tests and measurements Section 1: Electrical continuity and contact resistance tests Test 2a: Contact resistance Millivolt level method New 3 English F-Draft 22-06-2024
5 LITD/03/23496
(Identical To: IEC 60512-2-2:2003)
Connectors for electronic equipment Part 2 Tests and measurements Section 2: Electrical continuity and contact resistance tests Test 2b: Contact resistance Specified test current method New 3 English F-Draft 22-06-2024
6 LITD/03/23497
(Identical To: IEC 60512-2-3:2002)
Connectors for electronic equipment Part 2 Tests and measurements Section 3: Electrical continuity and contact resistance tests Test 2c: Contact resistance variation New 3 English F-Draft 22-06-2024
7 LITD/03/23498
(Identical To: IEC 60512-2-5: 2003)
Connectors for electronic equipment Part 2 Tests and measurements Section -5: Electrical continuity and contact resistance tests Test 2e: Contact disturbance New 3 English F-Draft 22-06-2024
8 LITD/03/23499
(Identical To: IEC 60512-2-6: 2002)
Connectors for electronic equipment Part 2 Tests and measurements Section 6: Electrical continuity and contact resistance tests Test 2f: Housing shell electrical continuity New 3 English F-Draft 22-06-2024
9 LITD/03/23500
(Identical To: IEC 60512-3-1: 2002)
Connectors for electronic equipment Part 3 Tests and measurements Section 1: Insulation tests Test 3a: Insulation resistance New 3 English F-Draft 22-06-2024