
S.No Document Number Document Title Doc Type Priority Language Document Stage Last Action Date
1 LITD/02/23128
(Identical To: IEC 61649:2008)
Weibull Analysis New 3 English WC-Draft 25-08-2023
2 LITD/02/23129
(Identical To: IEC 62308:2006)
Equipment Reliability Reliability assessment methods New 3 English WC-Draft 25-08-2023
3 LITD/02/23130
(Identical To: EC 62402:2019)
Obsolescence management ( Superseding IS 16958 : 2018) New 3 English WC-Draft 25-08-2023
4 LITD/02/23131
(Identical To: IEC 61709:2017)
Electric components Reliability Reference conditions for failure rates and stress models for conversion (Superseding IS 7354 (Part 3): 2011) New 3 English WC-Draft 25-08-2023
5 LITD/02/23165
(Identical To: IEC 61703:2016)
Mathematical expressions for reliability availability maintainability and maintenance support terms New 3 English WC-Draft 25-08-2023
6 LITD/02/23166
(Identical To: IEC 62429:2007)
Reliability growth Stress testing for early failures in unique complex systems New 3 English WC-Draft 25-08-2023
7 LITD/02/23167
(Identical To: IEC 62550:2017)
Spare Parts Provisioning New 3 English WC-Draft 25-08-2023
8 LITD/02/23168
(Identical To: IEC 62740:2015)
Root cause analysis RCA New 3 English WC-Draft 25-08-2023