
S.No Document Number Document Title Doc Type Priority Language Document Stage Last Action Date
1 LITD/15/19974
(Identical To: ISO/IEC TR 9789 : 1994)
Information technology - Guidelines for the organization and representation of data elements for data interchange Coding methods and principles New 3 English Ready for Gazette 26-06-2024
2 LITD/15/21709
IS/ISO/IEC 11179 : Part 3: 2013
Information Technology Metadata Registries ( MDR ) Part 3 Registry Metamodel and Basic Attributes Amendment 3 English F-Draft 19-05-2024
3 LITD/15/22597
IS 10680 : Part 1: 2016

(Identical To: ISO/IEC 1539-1:2018)
Information technology Programming languages Fortran Part 1: Base language First Revision Revision 3 English F-Draft 19-05-2024
4 LITD/15/22628
IS/ISO/IEC 11179 : Part 3: 2013

(Identical To: ISO/IEC 11179-3:2023)
Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 3: Metamodel for registry common facilities (First Revision) Revision 3 English F-Draft 20-05-2024
5 LITD/15/22629
IS/ISO/IEC 9075 : Part 13: 2016

(Identical To: ISO/IEC 9075-13:2023)
Information Technology Database Languages SQL Part 13 SQL Routines and Types Using the JavaTM Programming Language SQL JRT Revision 3 English F-Draft 19-05-2024
6 LITD/15/22630
IS/ISO/IEC 9075 : Part 14: 2016

(Identical To: ISO/IEC 9075-14:2023)
Information Technology Database Languages SQL Part 14 XML Related Specifications SQL XML Revision 3 English F-Draft 19-05-2024