
S.No Document Number Document Title Doc Type Priority Language Document Stage Last Action Date
1 ETD/54/24541
(Identical To: IEC 62600-1: 2020)
Marine energy Wave tidal and other water current converters Part 1: Vocabulary New 3 English PDF Sent To Technical Department 15-07-2024
2 ETD/54/24542
(Identical To: IEC TS 62600-2 2019 )
Marine energy Wave tidal and other water current converters Part 2: Marine energy systems Design requirements New 3 English PDF Sent To Technical Department 20-07-2024
3 ETD/54/24543
(Identical To: IEC 62600-10-2021 )
Marine Energy wave tidal and other water current converters Part 10 : Assessment of mooring system for marine energy converters MECS New 3 English PDF Sent To Technical Department 20-06-2024
4 ETD/54/24544
(Identical To: IEC 62600-20-2019 )
Marine Energy wave tidal and other water current converters Part 20 : Design and Analysis of an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion OTEC plant General Guidance New 3 English PDF Sent To Technical Department 12-07-2024
5 ETD/54/24545
(Identical To: IEC 62600-100-2012 )
Marine Energy Wave Tidal and Other Water Current Converters Part 100 : Electricity producing wave energy converters - Power performance assessment New 3 English PDF Sent To Technical Department 18-07-2024