
S.No Document Number Document Title Doc Type Priority Language Document Stage Last Action Date
1 FAD/01/20125 Fluxapyroxad + Pyraclostrobin suspension concentrate - Specification New 3 English WC-Draft 10-01-2024
2 FAD/01/20166 Afidopyropen dispersible concentrate - Specification New 3 English WC-Draft 04-01-2024
3 FAD/01/25455
IS 13070: 1991
Alpha naphthyl acetic acid technical first revision Revision 3 English WC-Draft 26-04-2024
4 FAD/01/25457
IS 13138: 1991
Alpha naphthyl acetic acid soluble concentrate SL - Specification first revision Revision 3 English WC-Draft 26-04-2024
5 FAD/01/25459
IS 1506: 1977
Copper oxychloride dusting powder - Specification third revision Revision 3 English WC-Draft 26-04-2024
6 FAD/01/25460
IS 1486: 1978
Copper oxychloride technical - Specification third revision Revision 3 English WC-Draft 26-04-2024
7 FAD/01/25461
IS 1507: 1977
Copper oxychloride water dispersible powder concentrate - Specification third revision Revision 3 English WC-Draft 26-04-2024
8 FAD/01/25474
IS 9355: 1980
Butachlor, technical - Specification (first revision) Revision 3 English WC-Draft 01-05-2024
9 FAD/01/25475
IS 9356: 1980
Butachlor emulsifiable concentrate (EC) - Specification (first revision) Revision 3 English WC-Draft 01-05-2024
10 FAD/01/25476
IS 8025: 1990
Monocrotophos, technical - Specification (third revision) Revision 3 English WC-Draft 01-05-2024
11 FAD/01/25477
IS 8074: 1990
Monocrotophos soluble concentrate (SL) - Specification (third revision) Revision 3 English WC-Draft 01-05-2024
12 FAD/01/25478
IS 6438: 1980
Aluminium phosphide formulations - Specification second revision Revision 3 English WC-Draft 03-05-2024
13 FAD/01/25484
IS 15219: 2002
Aluminium phosphide powder formulation - Specification first revision Revision 3 English WC-Draft 03-05-2024
14 FAD/01/25485
IS 3902: 1975
Dimethoate, technical - Specification (second revision) Revision 3 English WC-Draft 07-05-2024
15 FAD/01/25531
IS 3903: 1984
Dimethoate emulsifiable concentrate (EC) - Specification (third revision) Revision 3 English WC-Draft 07-05-2024
16 FAD/01/25532
IS 1682: 1973
Cuprous oxide fungicidal grade technical - Specification second revision Revision 3 English WC-Draft 03-05-2024
17 FAD/01/25533
IS 1665: 1977
Cuprous oxide water dispersible powder concentrate - Specification (second revision) Revision 3 English WC-Draft 14-06-2024
18 FAD/01/25534
IS 1669: 1960
Cuprous oxide dusting powder (DP) - Specification (first revision) Revision 3 English WC-Draft 12-07-2024
19 FAD/01/25621
IS 8293: 1976
Phenthoate technical - Specification (first revision) Revision 3 English WC-Draft 14-06-2024
20 FAD/01/25623
IS 10267: 1982
Phenthoate granules - Specification (first revision) Revision 3 English WC-Draft 14-06-2024
21 FAD/01/25624
IS 10950: 1984
Phenthoate dusting powder DP - Specification (first revision) Revision 3 English WC-Draft 14-06-2024
22 FAD/01/25625
IS 8291: 1976
Phenthoate emulsifiable concentrate (EC) - Specification (first revision) Revision 3 English WC-Draft 14-06-2024
23 FAD/01/25626
IS 12873: 1990
Copper oxychloride oil dispersible powder (OP) - Specification (first revision Revision 3 English WC-Draft 12-07-2024
24 FAD/01/25630
IS 885: 1994

(Identical To: ISO 1750 : 2023)
Pesticides and other agrochemicals - Common names third revision Revision 3 English WC-Draft 14-06-2024
25 FAD/01/25870
IS 6940: 1982
Pesticides and their formulations Test methods second revision Revision 3 English WC-Draft 18-06-2024