
S.No Document Number Document Title Doc Type Priority Language Document Stage Last Action Date
1 MSD/05/23518
(Identical To: ISO 17369:2013)
Statistical data and metadata exchange (SDMX) New 3 English F-Draft 03-07-2024
2 MSD/05/23519
(Identical To: ISO 19626 - 1 : 2020)
Processes data elements and documents in commerce industry and administration - Trusted communication platforms for electronic documents - Part 1 : Fundamentals New 3 English F-Draft 03-07-2024
3 MSD/05/23520
(Identical To: ISO 19626 - 2 : 2021)
Processes data elements and documents in commerce industry and administration - Trusted communication platform for electronic documents - Part 2 : Applications New 3 English F-Draft 03-07-2024
4 MSD/05/23522
(Identical To: ISO 22468 : 2020)
Value stream management VSM New 3 English F-Draft 03-07-2024
5 MSD/05/24309
IS 12: 2005
Part 1 General Drafting and Editorial Practices Revision 3 English Finalization 02-07-2024
6 MSD/05/24390
(Identical To: ISO 27729: 2012)
Information and Documentation International Standard Name Identifier ISNI New 3 English F-Draft 03-07-2024
7 MSD/05/24391
(Identical To: ISO 2789:2022)
Information and Documentation International Library Statistics New 3 English F-Draft 03-07-2024
8 MSD/05/24392
(Identical To: ISO 16439: 2014)
Information and Documentation Methods and Procedures for Assessing the Impact of Libraries New 3 English F-Draft 03-07-2024
9 MSD/05/24393
(Identical To: ISO 18461: 2016)
International Museum Statistics New 3 English F-Draft 03-07-2024
10 MSD/05/24394
(Identical To: ISO 21246: 2019)
Information and Documentation Key Indicators for Museums New 3 English F-Draft 03-07-2024
11 MSD/05/24395
(Identical To: ISO 21248: 2019)
Information and Documentation Quality Assessment for National Libraries New 3 English F-Draft 03-07-2024
12 MSD/05/24396
(Identical To: ISO 22038: 2020)
Information and Documentation Description and Presentation of Rights Information New 3 English F-Draft 03-07-2024
13 MSD/05/24397
(Identical To: ISO 23527:2022)
Information and Documentation Research Activity Identifier RAiD New 3 English F-Draft 03-07-2024
14 MSD/05/24398
(Identical To: ISO 24083: 2021)
Information and Documentation International Archives Statistics New 3 English F-Draft 03-07-2024
15 MSD/05/24399
(Identical To: ISO 26324:2022)
Information and Documentation Digital Object Identifier System New 3 English F-Draft 03-07-2024