
S.No Document Number Document Title Doc Type Priority Language Document Stage Last Action Date
1 MSD/04/22271
IS 12301: 1988
Establishing and Operating Quality Circles — Code of Practice (First Revision) Revision 3 English Pdf from Department 15-07-2024
2 MSD/04/22475
IS 16421 : 2016
Glossary of Terms in Supply Chain Management Revision 3 English WC-Draft 03-07-2023
3 MSD/04/25820
(Identical To: ISO 21512: 2024)
Project Programme and Portfolio Management Earned Value Management Implementation Guidance New 3 English WC-Draft 03-07-2024
4 MSD/04/25821
IS 15363 : Part 1: 2003
Guide to Terotechnology Part 1: Introduction to Terotechnology Revision 3 English WC-Draft 03-07-2024
5 MSD/04/25822
IS 15363 : Part 2: 2003
Guide to Terotechnology Part 2: Introduction to Techniques and Applications Revision 3 English WC-Draft 24-06-2024