Library Services Centre

BIS Library Team and Its Services
S. No. Research and Reference Services of BIS Library Concerned Person Extension No.
1 Queries related to News Alert Edition, Library Section, Organization Book Exhibition, Coordination for Library Events, Literature Search Service Feedback, E-Resources Subscription, and overall management of Library Ms. Yogita Ahuja

Ms. Yogita Ahuja,
Deputy Director & Head

2 Recommendation/query related to print/electronic journals, E-databases, magazines/newspapers Ms. Neelam

Ms. Neelam,

3 Recommendation for books/standards/codes etc. procurement, Query related to books and standards, Release of New arrival on new arrival of Books and standards Mr. Harshwardhan

Mr. Harshwardhan,

4 Query related to Users Awareness session on E-Resource, Training Programmes/Demo sessions of software/Databases/etc. Ms. Rekha Vii

Ms. Rekha Vii,
Section Officer

5 Query on Library Membership for external members & Purchase of Books/Standards Ms. Rekha Vii

Ms. Nidhi,
Library Assistant

6 Query related to Archives/Withdrawn Standards, Circulation of Books, Standards, Magazines, Journals, newspapers etc. Provided water mark copies of standards to internal users. Ms. Rekha Vii

Ms. Nutan,
Circulation Section

7 Reference/Query on News Alert, Digital display of New Arrivals : Book and Standards, Library events etc. Ms. Rekha Vii

Ms. Uzma,
Reference Section

8 Queries related to Web OPAC: Web OPAC. Using this catalogue, the Library users may search and find the available resources by Title, Author, Publisher, Subject heading, Keywords, etc. Ms. Rekha Vii

Ms. Suman,
Acquisition Section

9 Queries related to Scan Standard Data Ms. Rekha Vii

Mr Saurabh Tiwari,
Scanning Services

Multi Tasking Staff:

Scanning & Photocopy Services, Retrieval of Archival Standards, Books and standards sorting, arranging and distribution of library documents, Lamination of membership card etc.

Mr. Tara Dutt Pandy

Mr. Tara Dutt Pandy

Ms. Prema

Ms. Prema

Mr. Tara Dutt Pandy

Mr. Anuj

Ms. Prema

Mr. Suresh