Library Services Centre

General Circulation Rules

  • All BIS regular officers/staff are the registered members of the library
  • Library will only provide/issues BIS Water Mark Copy to its registered users.
  • The Library documents are very costly. They are for the benefit for both the present and the future users. Writing, marking and tracing in the documents is misconduct for the user and dealt with accordingly. If a document is mutilated or damaged when it was in possession of the member, library has every right to demand for replacement or compensation for damages.
  • Library computers are for academic/research purpose only. Do not tamper with the computer settings. Follow the internet safety guidelines.
  • Reference publications such as: Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directories and current periodicals are not issued. These are only for reference within the Library. A photocopy of the relevant portion may be provided for Internal user.
  • The officers and staff shall return the standards and books within period of 1 months. If fail to do so, the cost of the publications must be recovered.
  • For external users: A copy of Aadhar Card should be submitted while taking the library membership.

Borrowing Rules

Borrowing facilities for officers and staff shall be as under:

Sl. No Users Category Borrowing Privileges Loan Period
No. of Books No. of Standards No. of Periodicals
1) Technical officers/Staff 15 15 5 1 Month
2) Technical committee members (Issues request routed through their Concerned Department) 5 10 5 15 Days
3) Non-Technical officers/staff 5 2 2 15 Days

▪ Newspaper only for reading purpose within the library premises, issued on special demand/need of User.

▪ Library will only issue BIS Water Mark Copy of standards to its registered users.

  • Readers are responsible for books issued against their names.
  • Materials borrowed should be returned on or before the due date stamped.
  • Library materials must not be taken out of the library unless a Library staff has properly issued them.
  • Members must report the loss of library materials immediately to the Circulation Section of the Library and they must pay the compensation for the lost book.
  • Any book not returned in response to a final overdue notice would be considered as lost and the member would be asked to pay compensation for the lost book.
  • The officers and staff shall return the standards and books within period of 1 months.
  • Members must ensure that the books issued to them are returned or renewed on or before the date due.
  • If document not received in the library even after due date a gentle reminder can be sent by circulation/reference desk to concerned user.
  • If more than 15 foreign standards or books are outstanding against an officer for more than two months, no future loan should be made till the publications are returned.
  • In case of Technical committee meetings, discussions etc. additional standards and books may be loaned for a period not exceeding 15 days.
  • If required further, the publications could be re-issued only after their physical return to the library.
  • All loans to employees of the Bureau shall be made only against the signature of the borrower on regular loan slips or cards.
  • Publications and other documents shall be issued to Technical Committee Members with the specific written approval of the concerned Divisional/Department Head for a period not longer than one month.
  • However, in case of urgency the Head of the library may allow loaning of reference copy of the standard or photocopy of the limited section of books/ standard for short period.
  • Library membership cards, when lost, must be reported immediately in person or by telephone to the Circulation Section. A lost library card may be replaced by a fee of Rs. 50/- along with an undertaking that the member concerned will be responsible for any book taken on the library card.
  • In case of external users, Library membership cards are not transferable and must be produced whenever requested by Library staff.

No Dues Certificate

  • In case of Internal/external transfer/posting resignations and retirements, the members should inform the library Obtaining “No due Certificate” from Library is mandatory to its users. A member shall obtain a – No dues Certificate by submitting an application on the prescribed format of library.

Lost or Damaged Books

  • The borrower is obliged to compensate lost or damaged items either by substituting the material or pay the current market price of the book.
  • In case of book is misused, wrongly handled or lost the person concerned will have to replace the book or pay the current market price of the book.
  • In case, the lost book is out of stock/print, then double the list price of the book will be charged with processing charges and overdue charges if any.

These rules are subject to revision/change from time to time without assigning any reason. The Competent Authority is free to take any decision in the interest of the library or institution.