Blog Posts

Geosynthetics: Paving the way for sustainable infrastructure

Geotextile is the newly emerging field in civil engineering and other fields that offer great potential in varied areas of application globally. Geotextiles have proven to be among the most versatile and cost-effective ground modification materials, rapidly expanding into nearly all areas of civil, geotechnical, environmental, coastal and hydraulic engineering. Geotextiles play a significant role in modern pavement design and maintenance techniques. The use of geotextiles has grown phenomenally worldwide, particularly in transportation...

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Indian Standards on Agro Textiles : Leading the way in modern agriculture

Technical Textiles can be defined as textile materials and products manufactured primarily for their technical performance and functional properties rather than for aesthetics or decorative characteristics. Technical textiles can also be referred to as Industrial textiles, Functional textiles, Performance textiles, High tech textiles, etc. Some of the major reasons for the recent demand for technical textiles pertain to their cost effectiveness, durability, high strength, versatility, user friendliness, eco friendliness, logistic...

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Standards for Medical Textiles: Elevating the quality of Healthcare

Medical textiles are mainly used for protection from infections in hospital environment, personnel hygiene, wound treatments, wound closure, replacement surgery or as a mechanical organ. Some of the examples of medical textiles are surgical masks, bio-protective coverall, surgical gown and drape, disposable sanitary pad, reusable sanitary pad/period panties, baby diapers, caps, wipes, sutures, bandage, artificial lung etc. Standardization in the field of Medical Textiles has been undertaken by Technical Textiles for Medtech Application...

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Significance of This Test The point load strength index (PLSI) of rocks is an important parameter in rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering. It is a measure of the rock strength in terms of the load required to break a cylindrical rock specimen of a certain size, usually 50 mm in diameter and 100 mm in length. The determination of PLSI is significant because it provides valuable information on the strength and toughness of rocks, which are essential parameters in various engineering applications, including: 1. Rock Excavation and...

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INTRODUCTION TO PRINTING Printing is supposed to be the most innovative invention of mankind amongst all inventions which has helped in transforming humans to build the modern society we are living in today. In fact printing can be also termed as the mother of all inventions and technologies because printing helped to secure knowledge by printing all documents and spreading them to masses and also secured the technology and knowledge for the future. Printing has been used to transfer not only itself but it has also helped in transferring...

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BIS Launches ‘Learning Science via Standards’ Series

The series aims at bridging the gap between theory and real life use of science education – Shri Pramod Kumar Tiwari, Director General, BIS New Delhi, India: The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the National Standards Body of India has announced the launch of ‘Learning Science via Standards’, a unique initiative for students for learning science via standards. The ‘Learning Science via Standards’ initiative focuses on a series of lesson plans aimed to use scientific concepts, principles and laws to help students understand their...

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Indian Standard for Pulverized Fuel Ash-Cement Bricks: A Benchmark for Sustainable Construction in India

Pulverized fuel ash is a by-product of using pulverized coal as fuel from thermal power stations. This national resource can be gainfully utilized to manufacture pulverized fuel ash-cement bricks as a supplement to standard burnt clay building bricks leading to the conservation of natural resources and improvement in environmental quality. Pulverized fuel ash-cement bricks are made from pulverized fuel ash in significant quantities, cement, and other ingredients. These bricks are manufactured by mixing various raw materials, which are...

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Protective Textiles – Ensuring Safety

Protective technical textiles are specialty textiles that provide protection to wearers in hazardous situations like fire and heat, chemical exposure, ballistic protection, and other extreme atmospheric conditions. The main products include FR fabrics and apparel, protective clothing and gloves for industrial workers and fire fighter, Bullet Proof jackets, vest, Helmets & Patkas, Chemical protective clothing, High altitude clothing, Industrial gloves etc. Standards for Protective Textiles at National Level are being formulated by the...

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Natural Farming: A new direction for Indian Agriculture

What is Natural Farming? Natural Farming is not a technique but a view or a way of seeing ourselves as a part of nature rather than separating ourselves from it. It is also known as “the Fukuoka Method”- the natural way of Farming or “do-nothing farming.” The title does not refer to a lack of effort but to avoidance of manufactured inputs and equipment. Natural Farming is related to fertility farming, organic farming, sustainable agriculture, agroecology, agroforestry, eco-agriculture, and permaculture, but they are...

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IS/ISO 14001 – Benefits of Implementing EMS

The world is getting smaller, and businesses are going global at a never-before-seen rate. A firm can now be located anywhere in the world and operate with complete flexibility to select its clients, staff members, goods, and even its hours of operation. All this independence, though, has a cost: competition. Regardless of how big or tiny your company is, it would be best if you contended with rivals from around the globe. You must be aware of the game’s guidelines and mindful of your rivals’ tactics to do this. A properly...

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Standards for Plugs-Socket-Outlets and Switches

Electricity is integral to our lives. It powers our homes to workplaces, factories to farms, and technology transport. Electrical energy makes our homes livable and comfortable. Electricity flows 24X7 to light up our homes and keep various utility appliances active. Now, friends, what is electricity? The flow of charges in a conductor is defined as electricity. We get this magical current at the flick of a switch or a push of a button. But, electricity flows with caution, and it says, handles me with care. Hence, safety is a significant...

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Indian Standard on Yoga Centre

Yoga has been derived from the Sanskrit root (Dhātu) ‘Yuj,’ which means to ‘join,’ to ‘unite’ or to ‘yoke’ to get cognitively absorbed (Samādhi). According to Mahaṛiṣhi Patañjali, Yoga helps to control the modifications (Vṛtti) of the mind-stuff (Citta). As per Yogic scriptures, the practice of Yoga leads to the union of individual consciousness with universal consciousness. Yoga has been used since ancient times to heal lifestyle diseases and detox the body. This also leads to a...

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