Blog Posts

Indian Standards on Ready-to-Eat Foods

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), through its Ready-to-Eat Foods and Specialized Products Sectional Committee, FAD 24, has formulated the following indigenous Indian Standards: IS 18246: Indian Standard Specification for Ready-to-Use Idli Batter IS 18253: Indian Standard Specification for Ready-to-Use Dosa Batter IS 18269: Indian Standard Specification for Ready-to-Use Dal Vada Batter In traditional idli-making, considerable labor is involved in grinding parboiled rice and black gram dal into a paste, fermenting the batter, and steaming...

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Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) sensitises 1.3 lakh Gram Panchayats on Standardisation

In an endeavour to ensure the effective implementation of government programmes and schemes in villages, Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has undertaken a comprehensive initiative to sensitize Gram Panchayat Presidents and Secretaries across the country. BIS, the National Standards Body of India, plays a pivotal role in formulating standards and conducting conformity assessments of products and services. Recognizing the critical importance of adhering to Indian standards for the well-being of citizens, the environment, and the overall...

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INTRODUCTION During its 75th session in March 2021, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2023 as the International Year of Millets (IYoM), with the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India serving as the nodal body for IYoM – 2023 celebrations. Millets, known for their exceptional nutrition and historical significance as a dietary staple, have been designated as ‘Shree Anna’ by the honourable Prime Minister of India. Despite their nutritional benefits, changing consumer preferences and a lack...

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अग्निशामक यंत्र

अग्निशामक यंत्र आवश्यक अग्नि सुरक्षा उपकरण हैं जो आग लगने की स्थिति में जीवन और संपत्ति को बचाने में मदद करते हैं। हल्की आग से रक्षा के लिए सर्वप्रथम इनका उपयोग किया जाता है और इनका उपयोग आग फैलने और काफी अधिक...

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बीआईएस प्रयोगशाला

अनुरूपता मूल्यांकन के मुख्य स्तंभों में से एक स्तम्भ, संगत भारतीय मानकों के अनुरूप उत्पादों का परीक्षण करना है। बीआईएस ने अपनी अनुरूपता मूल्यांकन योजनाओं के अंतर्गत नमूनों की परीक्षण अपेक्षा को पूरा करने...

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Be a smart Electronic buyer

5 steps to follow when buying Electronic Gadgets Home appliances and gadgets are an irreplaceable part of our lifestyle, and since many of the home appliances that you purchase are from a long-term point of view, it is pivotal that you invest in them with thorough planning. The 5 steps that you can undertake for this purpose are: – Start with the budget Before you search for the desired appliances, assess the budget that you have to spare. Since the pricing for many appliances vary widely and come in a ton of variety, ascertaining the...

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ISO 19152 series of standards: Geographic information – Land Administration Domain Model (LADM)

Purposes of Land Administration facilitates Sustainable Land Use, Resource Management, Disaster Management, tenure security, access to credit, taxation, Access to Basic Infrastructure etc. These objectives promotes smart, resilient societies with protected environment and builds peace, security and social justice Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) Edition I was published as an International Standard (IS): ISO 19152:2012. This standards defines a reference Land Administration Domain Model covering basic information-related components of...

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On December 28, 2022, Government of India notified the 2022 National Geospatial Policy on for implementation with immediate effect with the goal of making India a world leader in the Global Geospatial Sector. It aims to establish high-resolution topographical survey and mapping by 2030, along with a highly accurate Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the nation. The National Geospatial Policy, 2022 is a citizen-centric policy that liberalizes the geospatial sector and democratizes the datasets generated by the use of public funds. The Policy...

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On December 28, 2022, Government of India notified the 2022 National Geospatial Policy on for implementation with immediate effect with the goal of making India a world leader in the Global Geospatial Sector. It aims to establish high-resolution topographical survey and mapping by 2030, along with a highly accurate Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the nation. The National Geospatial Policy, 2022 is a citizen-centric policy that liberalizes the geospatial sector and democratizes the datasets generated by the use of public funds. The Policy...

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बीआईएस केयर ऐप

भारतीय मानक ब्यूरो (भारतीय मानक ब्यूरो) उपभोक्ताओं को हमारी वेबसाइट पर शिकायत पोर्टल के माध्यम से या ई-मेल के माध्यम से कोई भी शिकायत दर्ज करने के लिए एक इंटरफ़ेस प्रदान करता है। हालाँकि, इस तथ्य को ध्यान में...

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Leveraging IS/ISO 37001: 2016 – Anti-bribery Management System (ABMS) for combatting bribery- a step towards moving Beyond Compliance

Bribery a Significant Impediment to Socio-Economic Progress: Global prospective Bribery is a pervasive problem that transcends borders and can said to be the most widespread and predominant white-collar crime. Despite all this, some argue that it’s often justified with statements like “it’s inevitable,” “everyone does it,” “it’s the cost of doing business,” “it doesn’t matter,” and “nobody gets hurt.” But is this really the case? The fact is Bribery is far...

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BIS Labs

LABORATORY One of the main pillars of conformity assessment is testing of products to ascertain its conformity to relevant Indian Standards. BIS has established laboratories in the country to cater to the testing need of samples generated from its Conformity Assessment Schemes. Starting with the establishment of Central Laboratory at Sahibabad in 1962, BIS added another four Regional Laboratories at Mohali, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai and five Branch Laboratories at Patna, Bangalore, Guwahati, Jammu and Hyderabad. BIS laboratories have...

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