Blog Posts

Indian Standards on Rice Fortification Ecosystem

Rice fortification is a process of adding vital micronutrients like iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 in milled rice. It is an effective, preventive and cost-efficient strategy to address the micronutrient nutrition problem, thereby preventing anaemia in the Indian population. In an ambitious attempt to combat the serious problem of anaemia due to malnutrition in the Indian population, especially women and children, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, during his speech on the 75th Independence Day (15th August 2021) made an announcement to...

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Technical Textiles are defined as textile materials and products manufactured primarily for their technical performance and functional properties. Some of the major reasons for the recent demand for technical textiles pertain to their cost effectiveness, durability, high strength, versatility, user-friendliness, eco-friendliness, logistic convenience, etc. Technical textiles constitute woven, knitted and non-woven fabrics made from natural fibres (cotton and wool), synthetic fibres (polyester, polyamide, polypropylene, polyethylene,...

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Hallmarking of Gold Jewellery & Artefacts

 Hallmarking of Gold Jewellery & Artefacts Since ancient times gold is considered a storehouse of value in India. In villages, people invest in gold to keep them secured against inflation and to be able to raise loans by mortgaging it in a time of need. Gold is too soft to withstand wear, therefore, for jewellery making, gold is always alloyed with some other metal. The need for alloying of gold also makes the public extremely vulnerable to excessive adulteration. Detection of adulteration in gold is difficult without performing...

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